So by now we are all seeing a pretty bad drop in gold prices but also a increase in bans , suspensions and investigations I know I have. So about a month ago they liked one of my teams on my main server together and perma banned them all for exploitive activity they just finally got sick of banning my vanillas and found the source. I started laughing it wasnt a big deal it was only 4 bots and they served me well and made me some good profit. I restarted like any of us would thinking I just have to be a bit more careful. 2 weeks later my hub account 2 vanillas and a farmer banned. I got the hub because a friend still played on that account every 2 ish weeks he said it got hacked. They sent a email saying any further activity with the other IP would result in a perma bann.
I have to ask the question is blizz tracking Ip's and if so should I just switch to dynamic IP? Im not running the bots 24/7 im not selling gold in trade im not running 50+ bots why are they out to get me? And I keep my ties VERY close to home.
I have to ask the question is blizz tracking Ip's and if so should I just switch to dynamic IP? Im not running the bots 24/7 im not selling gold in trade im not running 50+ bots why are they out to get me? And I keep my ties VERY close to home.