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Gold is getting hard to make on my server


New Member
Sep 6, 2010
I can bot, but everything is selling for like 10g/stack (Whiptail, etc) and there is noone buying it. Literally noone is playing wow anymore and on a high pop server this sucks. Does it feel like you guys are getting less and less gold each week? I can barely pay for raiding let alone my pvp gear. I just got t2 on my fresh 85 that I leveled and had to put full epic into that and other raid toons with 3 8/8 saviors and i can't seem to get the time to make gold because its so hard to make now. Im literally broke.
I can bot, but everything is selling for like 10g/stack (Whiptail, etc) and there is noone buying it. Literally noone is playing wow anymore and on a high pop server this sucks. Does it feel like you guys are getting less and less gold each week? I can barely pay for raiding let alone my pvp gear. I just got t2 on my fresh 85 that I leveled and had to put full epic into that and other raid toons with 3 8/8 saviors and i can't seem to get the time to make gold because its so hard to make now. Im literally broke.

Its mostly from Diablo 3 coming out, and WoW becoming incredibly boring with the same boring content. (There's nothing new to do in WoW for the last 6 months) People are just slowly quitting WoW, and Blizzard isn't making much headway on MoP, so it'll be dead for at least another 2-3 months. The same thing happens at the end of every xpac.
I know how you feel, I leveled an enchanter and jewelcrafter to do the ore shuffle, only to find that dust is 18g/stack and the essences are 149g/10
Ore is down to 1g- for one, and herbs are less then 1g, even twilight jasmine is down to 1g
While prices are so low, take this as an opportunity to buy out a shitload of mats and stockpile them for when MoP is released. There will be millions of little Pandas wanting to level up and can not be bothered with gathering mats.....use the 10gold Whisptails to make Inferno Inks for instance, you'll make a nice fat profit if you have a little patience and start thinking ahead :)

All is not lost!! :)
Another tip: Check out Northrend herb prices. If it's anything like my server, Goldclover is around 70gold a stack. Compared to 20/30gold a stack of the cheaper Cata herbs, it's a no-brainer what to do! Also, there is little or no competition in gathering the Northrend herbs (and ores actually!) and very little competition on the AH when selling.

Never forget - players level crafting professions all the time, especially now as they are bored on Cata content and look to levelling alts while waiting for MoP.
think about the twinks...im sure at least 2/10 people have some type of twink...
I was actually surprised the other night off of gems i made 2.5k overnight i havent been able to make that amount of gold in one night in a while. I cant wait for the next xpac to start pushing out mats to make the big money
While prices are so low, take this as an opportunity to buy out a shitload of mats and stockpile them for when MoP is released. There will be millions of little Pandas wanting to level up and can not be bothered with gathering mats.....use the 10gold Whisptails to make Inferno Inks for instance, you'll make a nice fat profit if you have a little patience and start thinking ahead :)

All is not lost!! :)

It's not like WotLK dusts are ten times the price of Cata dusts now no one's farming them anymore...

think about the twinks...im sure at least 2/10 people have some type of twink...

Not a bad point. On a decent day, I can make 2.5k from one twink enchant alone.
I diversify a lot and supply many different things including lots of enchant mats (tbc/wotlk) also doesn't look so bad picking up achivs everywhere.
It's pretty slow on my main server also, i am doing about 6-7k a day with glyphs, gems, and enchanting mats. Was doing 25-30 a Day 3-4 months ago, Just the natural cycle..
still goin strong on my server with only enchanting and JC, sell red gems only, and ench mats. i still make 10kish/per day in KT, alliance is still very active when it comes to gems/enchants.
I just started WoW again got honorbuddy, just gonna bot 10 level 85's then bot like 150k and just store over 10million gold worth of items on a few characters until MoP comes out
I can bot, but everything is selling for like 10g/stack (Whiptail, etc) and there is noone buying it. Literally noone is playing wow anymore and on a high pop server this sucks. Does it feel like you guys are getting less and less gold each week? I can barely pay for raiding let alone my pvp gear. I just got t2 on my fresh 85 that I leveled and had to put full epic into that and other raid toons with 3 8/8 saviors and i can't seem to get the time to make gold because its so hard to make now. Im literally broke.

This happens every expansion but this one feels worse than the last. The content in the last patch was WAY too easy. My main guild finished dragon sole on heroic at the start of April. The #1 raiding guild on our server finished heroic mode in March. As such raiding has dropped off immensely which means all the stuff the people need has dropped.

My main source of income this expansion was from Glyphs. I stopped selling them several weeks ago because they were moving so slow and the prices dropped so much. Prices have dropped big time on every my server so i'm making about 50% less per day than i was making 2 months ago. My main sources of income right now are from enchanting mats, 22 slot bags, flasks and archaeology keys. In order to make any money right now you have to be super aggressive listing items. You can' list your 10 gems and leave them for 24 hours....stuff isn't moving fast enough for all these items to sell on the AH.

I never try to control the markets like several people on my server do. Our main four AH guys get a lot of hate messages in trade chat. I assume they are also bottling because they post mass amounts of items on the AH and never seem to run out. Even though I bot for mats I never flood the markets with anything at the most i generally have 5 items of anyone type. I'd say i'm a pretty casual botter since i don't gather for more than 2 hours a day. The four main AH guys try to control the markets. If you undercut them drastically they generally just buy all the items and re-list them for a higher prices. I've been using this to my advantage lately. Since really don't care how much items sell for when i use the AH since my bots gather all my materials everything i sell is pure profit.

Some examples:
There a few bag sellers on my server who craft the 22 slot bags. They generally go for 450-550 on my server. I undercut them by 200 and list 2-3 bags at a time. These guys kept buying up my bags for re-sell. I sold one guy almost 10k worth of bags before he figured out what i was doing and has since stopped buying them. (Along with hate mail)

We have one super aggressive gem seller on my realm. He has every type of gem and will generally undercut you within 30 minutes. Several times a week when gems get low he will buy up the entire market and res-list gems super high. Yesterday brilliant infernos were selling for 50g each today they are selling for 399. When he does this i start listing my 1-5 gems of each type at 150g which he buys up to keep the market high. Last week i sold him 13,560G worth of red gems.

Enchanting mats still sell relativity well but still slower than before. I used to list 20 shards at a time and tons of celestial. Lately i only list 2-3 shards at time and maybe 5 celestial but I check about every hour on remote auction house and add a 2-3 more if i get undercut. This strategy has been working really well for me.
Well this is all because no new content has been released yet. When new content it released people need all the ores and herbs and other mats to make things like new gear, new enchantments, new gems and so on. when everyone gets fully geared there is no need for those materials anymore therefore the price will go down. I used to buy alot of elementium ore for like 20g a stack before a patch would drop then i would end up making like 70k!