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Gold for Celestial steed


New Member
Mar 3, 2010
I read a rather entertaining flame thread on wow forums about weather or not trading gold for the Celestial steed code violated the TOS. As we are all likely engaged in various levels of nefarious TOS violation ourselves, I figured I'd ask the professionals: Has anyone heard of a gold for mount code program as yet. Please post if you come across one. Ty.:cool:
Gold buyers. You sell em gold, they give U code for mount.
Alike the deck cards that has a scratch off for mounts and pets.
Well Blizzards justification for the cards being traded for gold was that it was technically an in-game item and not real world money. So I assume that the same goes for the celestial steed.
OMG that lil XT pet is sooo damn annoying! Especially when you go into dal --- everyone and their mom has it...so all you hear is the annoying whines of lil XT LOL

But i have it HAH!
I got one for my main last night from someone in one of the top3 raidiing guilds on my server. Straight up gold for code. Its exactly how people would buy tcg mounts (and usually get scammed) before they made them boe.
Well Blizzards justification for the cards being traded for gold was that it was technically an in-game item and not real world money. So I assume that the same goes for the celestial steed.

From what I understand, blizzards' point of view is that the tcg pet/mount codes were in game codes (redeemed in game for gold) ultimately, and as such tradig gold for em was ok(in game). The steed on the other hand is technically a real world item and therefore subject to a tos violation if purchased with game gold. That doesn't bother me, and what I had had in mind was something along the lines of the gold4key site where you trade in game gold for game time cards or cd keys. I figure since it's just a matter of time before one of these type of sites offers them for game gold, so I thought I'd ask if any had heard of any yet.
Any of you reccomeend a place to do such and exchange and NOT get scammed? As in have ya traded there before for other codes/etc.