Okay, so with that info I will give you my advice. But weight the grains of salt that you take my information with because although I have put 100+hrs of research into these forums trying to get the most out of my money, I have only been botting for about a month now.
First and foremost: botting isn't safe. That said, there are surely some methods of gold farming that are less safe than others. From what I can tell, there's basically two main groups of profiles aimed at getting gold. There's suicide botting which is bound to make you a good buck, get you banned quickly... and then there is everything else.
Above all though - it seems to be greed, getting into patterns of any kind with running your botts, and carelessness that get you banned. Do your best to avoid those 3 things in all of your botting endeavors, to the furthest reasonable extent.
Now, into profiles specifically...
I have avoided running any gathering profiles - it just seems too easy. That's my choice, but it honestly may be a road worth going down for you, depending on your server pop and economy - especially for non-legion herbs/skin/ore.
I run dungeons/raids. There are a lot of good free profiles out there. I haven't personally delved into the paid profiles, once again, something you might look into. I just want you to know the limits of my experience.
I run in random alternation a combination of the Firelands Trash profile, and BC/WoTLK dungeon profiles from the Ayzul Project.
The Firelands Trash profile by far makes the most out of the profiles I've mentioned between raw gold and what you get from the lockboxes. Of the dungeons, Halls of Lightening makes the most (the Ayzul profile pack has both normal and suicide versions).
I mix more than that, but that's for my want of not getting banned, trying to follow my philosophy of both avoiding greed and running only the best profile - and avoiding getting into a pattern... by only running the best profile.
That said, those are my chosen precautions. I have heard testimony of people running boots 24/7 for weeks on end in old dungeons without problem. Many testimonies out there suggesting you might be just fine to push the bill. I'd just rather be safe than sorry personally.
Hope this helps.
I realize this is long and not the best organized but I wanted to get you a reply promptly and I've been without sleep for more than 20 hours right now. I'll see about editing inn a TL; DR in the morning. Feel free to PM/reply if you have any questions onthe info I've provided.