I have to say that Botting has made wow fun again. I started using honor buddy in January on two accounts (Never my main account). I've never really been into the AH or trying to make money in this game but since there isn't much left to do on my main two characters that i play I started focusing on trade skills and making money. Prior to honor buddy I was purchasing gold about every six months to keep up with my raiding needs.
My achievements:
-4 lvl 85's - 2 druids 2 DK's Since January(The DK is by far my favorite to bot on, blood spec and they never die)
-Hit the gold cap last week, sitting on a little over a million gold (prior to this i never had more than 20k gold) (I don't sell gold just doing it for fun)
-Vial of The Sands recipe
Some Tips:
I got banned the first week i used honor buddy. I was gathering (Herbs & Minerals) for about 4-5 hours a day once I hit lvl 85 and was banned about 5 days into it. After I got my account back I only farm stuff moderately; 1 hour max per day per toon (so 4 hours a day on 2 accounts).
My routine: (2 Accounts)
Farm herbs on each druid 1 hour a day each
Farm Minerals on the DK 1 hour a day each
Farm Cloth 5 hours a week (All types of cloth)
25 Dailies each day on both DK's. (Feral Druids suck at dailies especially Tol Barad)
Note: I never farm in Uldumn at all. If i need whiptail I will farm it manually for an hour or two. On my server people spam in Uldum to report bots since there are so many people farming.
I tried selling raw materials but found you make more money by shifting to Tradeskills. If you do sell raw materials don't undercut people....raw materials always sell no matter what so there is no need to drive the price down. My farming basically gives me enough raw materials a day to spend about 30-40 minutes doing trade skills.
I generally rotate though the following: (I never flood one marker or generally sell the same thing more than a day or two at a time)
Prospect and cut gems 1-3 times a week. (I find that selling them on the weekdays makes more per gem on my server. I never post gems on the weekends)
Mill Herbs into Glyphs and Fortune cookies (Glyph market is hit or miss on my server..if prices fall below 50g per glyph i stop for a week. I made 280,000 on glyphs in 8 weeks)
Transmute Life to Air (Almost all of my character i changed to alchemy so I transmute on 8 Toons a day)
Create Flasks 1-3 times a week (Generally do this at the end of the week since more people raid on the weekend)
Create Spell threads (2 characters are tailors so i make 10 per week of each type)
Create gear from tailoring/blacksmiths for DE 1-2 days a week.
Create 1 Vial of The Sands Per week
Generally, I make about 8-10k per day depending on how often I list auctions. I use Tradeskill master for everything which minimizes the effort of crafting and selling.
My breakdown generally goes something like this:
50 Dailies = 800G/Day
volatile Air (Depending on Proc) = 1400-1800G/day
Glyphs = 1000-3000G/day (Depending on market and how often i re-list them)
Rotated Items:
Gems = 8000-10000G/Week
Enchanting Mats = 3000-5000G/week (Depending on what i craft to DE. I farm all levels of cloth so i make a variety of enchanting mats)
377 PVP Gear = 2000-3000G/Week
Flasks = 4000-6000G/Week
Vial of The sands = 8000G/week profit
Spell Threads = 4000G/Week
Fortune Cookies = 1000-2000/Week
My achievements:
-4 lvl 85's - 2 druids 2 DK's Since January(The DK is by far my favorite to bot on, blood spec and they never die)
-Hit the gold cap last week, sitting on a little over a million gold (prior to this i never had more than 20k gold) (I don't sell gold just doing it for fun)
-Vial of The Sands recipe
Some Tips:
I got banned the first week i used honor buddy. I was gathering (Herbs & Minerals) for about 4-5 hours a day once I hit lvl 85 and was banned about 5 days into it. After I got my account back I only farm stuff moderately; 1 hour max per day per toon (so 4 hours a day on 2 accounts).
My routine: (2 Accounts)
Farm herbs on each druid 1 hour a day each
Farm Minerals on the DK 1 hour a day each
Farm Cloth 5 hours a week (All types of cloth)
25 Dailies each day on both DK's. (Feral Druids suck at dailies especially Tol Barad)
Note: I never farm in Uldumn at all. If i need whiptail I will farm it manually for an hour or two. On my server people spam in Uldum to report bots since there are so many people farming.
I tried selling raw materials but found you make more money by shifting to Tradeskills. If you do sell raw materials don't undercut people....raw materials always sell no matter what so there is no need to drive the price down. My farming basically gives me enough raw materials a day to spend about 30-40 minutes doing trade skills.
I generally rotate though the following: (I never flood one marker or generally sell the same thing more than a day or two at a time)
Prospect and cut gems 1-3 times a week. (I find that selling them on the weekdays makes more per gem on my server. I never post gems on the weekends)
Mill Herbs into Glyphs and Fortune cookies (Glyph market is hit or miss on my server..if prices fall below 50g per glyph i stop for a week. I made 280,000 on glyphs in 8 weeks)
Transmute Life to Air (Almost all of my character i changed to alchemy so I transmute on 8 Toons a day)
Create Flasks 1-3 times a week (Generally do this at the end of the week since more people raid on the weekend)
Create Spell threads (2 characters are tailors so i make 10 per week of each type)
Create gear from tailoring/blacksmiths for DE 1-2 days a week.
Create 1 Vial of The Sands Per week
Generally, I make about 8-10k per day depending on how often I list auctions. I use Tradeskill master for everything which minimizes the effort of crafting and selling.
My breakdown generally goes something like this:
50 Dailies = 800G/Day
volatile Air (Depending on Proc) = 1400-1800G/day
Glyphs = 1000-3000G/day (Depending on market and how often i re-list them)
Rotated Items:
Gems = 8000-10000G/Week
Enchanting Mats = 3000-5000G/week (Depending on what i craft to DE. I farm all levels of cloth so i make a variety of enchanting mats)
377 PVP Gear = 2000-3000G/Week
Flasks = 4000-6000G/Week
Vial of The sands = 8000G/week profit
Spell Threads = 4000G/Week
Fortune Cookies = 1000-2000/Week