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GM Whispered me, I was AFK.


New Member
Mar 27, 2011

I was using the questbot with Kicks 80-82 hyjal profile, and was afk, came back and noticed a GM wanting to talk to me, but I missed him, however, he said my account has a violation on it, and I will receive an email, its been like 15 minutes now or so, I havent been DC or received any email, I am abit worried :P

Do they know I was botting, or could it be a violation of something else, yet, I wouldn't even know what for, since Ive done nothing...

I also put a ticket in, questioning it, I said I had multiple chat tabs, and I moved my raiding addon to the right top corner, which blocked the GM chat bubble, which is all true, should I have put the ticket in, or not bothered?
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Was it a proper GM whisper box or a normal whisper? Sometimes get scare tactics from bot hunters to spook you.
Was it a proper GM whisper box or a normal whisper? Sometimes get scare tactics from bot hunters to spook you.

No, It was the proper GM whisper Box.

Even got a 'Customer Support' in-game mail - which was just saying my account 'may' be violating the TOS.

My brother was running the same profile at the same thing, yet, he received nothing.
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A user of the above account has recently been involved in actions deemed inappropriate for the World of Warcraft by the In-Game Support staff of Blizzard Entertainment. This decision was made after a thorough investigation of the situation as a whole.

When a harassment report is made, all players involved in the incident are subject to review, which may result in account penalties. Though we are unable to discuss the outcomes of our investigations due to privacy concerns, rest assured that this incident has been looked into very thoroughly, and the appropriate actions have been taken on all involved accounts.

Any disputes or questions concerning the following account action can only be addressed by Account Administration. To learn more about how Account Administration is able to assist you, please visit us at Support Contact Information - Support - Battle.net Support .

Account Action: Education

Offense: Obscene/Vulgar
This category includes both clear and masked language which:

* Is crude and offensive in nature
* Is an inappropriate reference to human anatomy or bodily functions
* Is pornographic in nature

Details (Note - Times are listed in Greenwich Mean Time, GMT):
2012-01-15 02:39:19 : I WASNT RDY
2012-01-15 02:39:27 : DICKHEADS

Big relief it wasnt a bot report, but, would I still be likely for a ban?
This is why I really avoid talking to anyone on botting accounts.
can I ask what he whispered you (the whisper)

It was, If I can remember..

GM: Hello, May I speak with you for a moment. (I was AFK, so naturally, I didnt reply)
GM: I cant remember word for word, but It was like "We have found your account violates our TOS, a email will be sent to your registered email address with more information"

I rly cant remember what else, but thats pretty much it.
Your best bet is to lie low for a week or so.. Play it normally.. You WILL most likely be contacted again. But Your "suspected" of something.. Which means be careful, It could of been for any thing but ya never know :P
Your best bet is to lie low for a week or so.. Play it normally.. You WILL most likely be contacted again. But Your "suspected" of something.. Which means be careful, It could of been for any thing but ya never know :P

Even though It turns out it was for swearing, considered "Harassment" - I will think its still good idea :P
Oh, I was doing Violet Hold, and they started without me, I was afk, and got locked out, and said what I said :P - Didn't honestly think it would evolve to this..

Locked out as in you were "inside the instance but licked out of the VH room?" Unless they changed something, you can just talk to the dude at the door and he'll port you in.....
Locked out as in you were "inside the instance but licked out of the VH room?" Unless they changed something, you can just talk to the dude at the door and he'll port you in.....

Yeah, locked out of the room, hehe, I didn't know that.. :P
If ppl can report you for this stuff og dam i should have been banned a long time ago lol :P
I think they need a reason*, or else, if you dispute it, how would the GM even know why you were banned :P
Well, basically, the GM could just tell you "because I didn't like your face". It's their game, they can do what they want.
(except that Dutch jurisprudence now says they really can't. Since you've put a lot of time into your account it is now, actually, an object that you own. If Blizzard were to ban you, you could argue theft....)
i bet the sucker that reported u was a bot him self and couldnt stand out that you was in his spot i hate that kind of people. :)