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I've used HonorBuddy before and it was pretty straightforward. I downloaded RebornBuddy and I am unsure why I am getting a blank Global Settings screen
Any reason for this? Anything I am doing wrong? All I am doing is loading a profile.
If you know some programming you could put it into the routine, it doesn't come out of the box with that because once you get the Bard soul you won't have access to those spells.
I know this thread is about a week old, but going to post here anyways.. A few things you need to know.. as a bard specifically you can not use arcanist or cnj abilities. However you can use them as an archer.. To your second question.. C# is the programming language you would need to know. There are multiple profiles about rotations out there you can go off of.. you would just need to write or modify one of those rotations to use the abilities you want to use, as well as when to use them... but just remember when you are playing as a JOB (war,pld,brd,mnk, etc) you are limited to only the abilities by 2 other classes.. in this case, bard is only limited to abilities from pug and lancer.