So, yeah. Just to stop this before you start a scare-fest. The "unprintable" characters, are just from the obfuscation we currently use in the bot. It's trying to print an unprintable Unicode character. (Because that's what our obfuscation does)
Basically; it should be printing something more readable (which it is, in our internal builds), but due to the post-processing, it kind of nukes that. It's not a huge issue, we'll tweak some stuff and fix that later.
The mouse issues are still being worked on. I'll be doing more testing on that. Basically; in technical terms... the game only allows you to "grab" and "drop" cards if your mouse cursor is within the bounds of the game window. (There are alternative ways to avoid that specific issue, but it raises other security issues that we're not 100% solid on handling just yet, so we use another method to avoid it entirely)
The UI is being set up for localization. It should have been working, but I suppose not. We'll get that fixed ASAP. Nothing but the strings used for display are broken, so it shouldn't effect anything. (Just a bit odd to read)