hey there guys, just need help tryin to sort the syntax for writing CC's and using visual express.
Other then trawling other peoples CC's is there any guides for getting all the commands syntax right.
all the (){}[] etc
also is there a way to determine your targets class? ie druid,mage,lock etc
thanks for your help
well i dont know if theres any kind of guide. but heres a few tips if youve never programed before.
1. start off small. - try finding an easy class, like a mage, and go for something simple, like pulling with fireball instead of frostbolt. baby steps are always ok, as long as your working tword a goal.
2. learn some other language - like Html. if you can make a basic html page and follow the sourcecode, chances are you can follow just about how any programing language works. remember programing languages are made for humans, not machines. while it does get complicated, after you get used it it, you should be able to follow it almost as easly as one of those chose you own adventure books.
3. if you open it, you close it. ALWAYS! - in C# theres never any time where you would have a Lone Bracket, (so if you open the bracket{you close it} Always).
4. understand how the computer will execute code - Processors are magical yet simple things, They can only execute 1 Command at a time. think of your CC as a list of todo items. and a really complicated guide on how to make a sandwich, any sandwich.
if (Me.HasBread.White && Me.HasMeat.Bologna)
Get bread
Put meat on bread.
put top slice of bread on
4. Always KISS.- Keep It Simple Stupid. chances are if your trying to do something, and it seems way too hard to do, chances are your just not keeping it simple. remember Simple code = fast code.
5. design Combat for 90% of the time. - When i think of how to do combat PvP or otherwise, i think of how most Encounters work. 90% of the time your bot is going to walk up, target a mob, and start attacking the mob till its dead. once you have that down, move onto things that might not happen as much, but do happen, like handling adds. running low on health or mana, what if my pet gets killed in combat? thinking about combat is an importaint part of making a CC and that brings me to my next item.
6. Find a human, and copy it - go on youtube and just about for whatever class your playing look for how to videos, and look how they handle combat. look at how they handle the hostile, at this point its importaint to see what spells they use and how and when they use it. for example.
the above video, is an mage with a Pom pyro Build, and what if you pay attention plays his class to the best of his ability. and plays with that classic mage flair the class is know for. the pull, i would do something like this.
mirror image,
Pressance of mind.
arcane power.
arcane barrage.
slow - to keep at distance
then after the pull.
arcane blast. till missle barrage procts. or Arcane barrage is up again
as you can see, if you really think critically about it, and take your time, you can make something awesome,
hope this helps some.