Suddenly i couldn't reply on the forum anymore, and it seems Bossland needs to activate my account, something is clearly wrong.
Could you please post this msg in my thread on the forum, so bossland sees it?
Hello, i have no idea why i am still on guest status, and it has been like 12 hours since i bought the program!
I can't even post on forum now...
MY recipe is here:
Invoice Number 9931
Creation Date Last Updated Due Date
19.01.2010 11:36 PM 19.01.2010 11:56 PM 19.01.2010
Approved? Balance Due View Printer Friendly Version
Yes Paid in full
Tax Amount Discount Amount Tax Zone
€0.00 --- ---
Invoice Total Billed Amount
€39.99 €39.99
Products/Services Ordered
Honorbuddy ( 88015 )
One-time Charge
Base Price
Setup Price
Quantity 1
Gatherbuddy + 30 Days ( 00000099 )
One-time Charge
Base Price
Setup Price
Quantity 1
Can you please update my membership status, and fix the issue so i don't get session limit?
- Andreeeeas