I just started a new Battle.net account, leveling up a Draenei Mage. But I noticed something that I had never seen before. Maybe it's coincedense but maybe not. When my character is questing, I get knocked up in the air every few minutes or so. It's not a lag spike, not an object it tries to avoid. But simply when walking on a straight ode or grassland, it gets knocked up out of nowhere and proceeds it's way.
I know a lot of you people will say bla bla tinfoil hat. But could this be a possible method for Blizzard to track botters who use Kick's profiles? Did they add something into the pathway Kick's profile use? I don't know for sure. But what I do know is that I have never seen it before. And I have leveled -A LOT-! of characters over the years with Kick's. Mostly monitored for about 90% of the time.
Anyone else has noticed this?
I just started a new Battle.net account, leveling up a Draenei Mage. But I noticed something that I had never seen before. Maybe it's coincedense but maybe not. When my character is questing, I get knocked up in the air every few minutes or so. It's not a lag spike, not an object it tries to avoid. But simply when walking on a straight ode or grassland, it gets knocked up out of nowhere and proceeds it's way.
I know a lot of you people will say bla bla tinfoil hat. But could this be a possible method for Blizzard to track botters who use Kick's profiles? Did they add something into the pathway Kick's profile use? I don't know for sure. But what I do know is that I have never seen it before. And I have leveled -A LOT-! of characters over the years with Kick's. Mostly monitored for about 90% of the time.
Anyone else has noticed this?