Tring to build a primitive autoequip, i was wandering if we have a way to extract LokiPoe.InGameState.InventoryPanel.PlaceCursorInto.... from WorldItem information, before i build my Enum or Dictionary for it.
(This Code is been leech fro darkbluefirefly QuestPlugin, with little name mod to suit my project)
I'm still experimenting with this and stealing code here and there to try to learn and craft my code.
In the hope this question will serve other coders too, i thx anyone who share some knowledge.
(This Code is been leech fro darkbluefirefly QuestPlugin, with little name mod to suit my project)
Private EquipItem(WorldItem _item)
var InvSlot = LokiPoe.InGameState.InventoryPanel.GetInventoryBySlot(_item.????); [COLOR="#FF0000"]<----------- How to select the right InventoryPanel from WorldItem proprety?[/COLOR]
if(!InvSlot .Items.Any())
var itemtoEquip = LokiPoe.InGameState.InventoryPanel.MainInventory.ContainsItem(_item.Name);
if itemtoEquip )
await Coroutines.OpenInventoryPanel();
var item = LokiPoe.InGameState.InventoryPanel.MainInventory.FindItemByName(_item.Name);
await Coroutine.Sleep(250);
await Coroutine.Sleep(250);
LokiPoe.InGameState.InventoryPanel.???????? [COLOR="#FF0000"]<----------- How to select the right PlaceCursorOnto from WorldItem proprety?[/COLOR]
await Coroutine.Sleep(250);
I'm still experimenting with this and stealing code here and there to try to learn and craft my code.
In the hope this question will serve other coders too, i thx anyone who share some knowledge.