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I could honestly see some smart botting especially with new higher end content by 5 bots or maybe even more. However, I still am against a 24/7 regime even if it is different characters running the same routes. Back in the early glider days I remember winterspring being farmed to high heaven and it was a "hotspot" for reporting because people wanted their furbolg companion lol. Needless to say when it comes to botting having intelligence and tact for when and where to bot is a godsend.
i havent farmed much in a while.. but the issue i had even with 2 on a server, is selling all the stuff.. im looking forward to the official relogger to come out that can switch between GB and HB/AH bot.
i havent farmed much in a while.. but the issue i had even with 2 on a server, is selling all the stuff.. im looking forward to the official relogger to come out that can switch between GB and HB/AH bot.
^^^^^ agree! I would say 2 per server adn to be honest I would run 1 on horde and 1 on alliance so that you are not ruining either market with saturation.
with 2 per server you could continue to make tons of money.
people think that by adding bots say 1bot = 10k per day then logically 2bots should = 20k per day and that just isnt true.
you over saturate the market and end up making everything sell for 1/2 as much so your 2 bots are now making 10k/day. This is the current problem with the botters that I see. There are so many accounts being botted and when you look at the AH, there are really only 2-3 big boys playing the game. This to me means that these 2-3 big boys are controlling the majority of the bots. These 2-3 big boys are ruining the economy.