it has been 8 days since the last update. Could you please give us an update on the progress you are making/have made?
Thank you.
Read before creating a post. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/pokefarmer-forum/275240-development-community-update.html
This post issnt from an official wich in other words means nothing to me as i can't gain any valueable information out of it.
Well sorry to tell you that your post isn´t official which means nothing to the devs, apart from all that was said in the update thread xDDD. If you dont want to read the thread that i sent to you (which it is very trustable) then don´t make the same thread that you and thousands of people create. You know that the time lost in down period will be extended. So the only thing you must do is to wait, nothing else. Is that so difficult? If it is just go to another bot.This post issnt from an official wich in other words means nothing to me as i can't gain any valueable information out of it.
This post issnt from an official wich in other words means nothing to me as i can't gain any valueable information out of it.
But you did understand, that HatchingEgg is working WITH a team to ***** the API and that it makes absolutely no difference, whether any member of this team gives an update or HatchingEgg??!!!!
Bro this is not a car manufacturing company (u can not use this kind of logic your using in this case), the API Breakdown is not something the the PF ill do alone is colaboration process, the updated was a copy paste from the Pokemon Go Development which has the most up to date info regarding the reverse engineering of the app, so yes you can belive that info ..when it says THEY did PF ill be back in a couple of days max...Yes i do realise that, but you also get that anyone could make a post like that, correct?
So what you are saying is basically. If i was to make a post now writing down various status updates wich may just be copy pasted from someone else. You'd have to belive it because i COULD or COULD NOT be part of the dev team right?
Sorry but this is not how a company works. I'd prefer the official response in that case, as i'd know its one i can belive.
Yes i do realise that, but you also get that anyone could make a post like that, correct?
So what you are saying is basically. If i was to make a post now writing down various status updates wich may just be copy pasted from someone else. You'd have to belive it because i COULD or COULD NOT be part of the dev team right?
Sorry but this is not how a company works. I'd prefer the official response in that case, as i'd know its one i can belive.
Ppl think is easy to revese engineering ... if they dont a reply in 3 days they think,...ohh maybe they stopped to try...but if u think about it niantic took a long time to develop the game than more time to encrypt it, it makes sense if a few devs are taking time to figure it all out.Okay and which part of "we are working on it, will give an update as soon as there is one" didn't you understand?
If Hatchin writes, that they are working on understanding hash functions or whatever, and gives no newer update, you know that they are still working on understanding hash functions. Where is the problem?
[X] Reverse the decryption - August - updated 4 days ago
[X] Reverse the encryption - August - updated 4 days ago
[X] Reverse the IV generation - 4 days ago
[X] Find the hashing function - yesterday
[X] Understand the hashing function - today
[X] Use the library directly to do hashing - Done
[X] Find out what the extra byte does - Done
[-] Reverse the hashing function - Not mandatory
[-] Need to reverse iOS hash function - Not mandatory
[X] Use the iOS hashing function and get correct result - Done!!!!!!! hype hype hype hype
[X] Have a successful ping - SUCK IT ITS DONE, WE CAN COME BACK NOW
[ ] Integrate into FPM - 24-48H max
[ ] See if it works - Right after
[ ] ???
[ ] Profit
elfin got a successful scan, i head home and i start integrating his solution to FPM.
so now it's not about bypassing security, it's about applying the new algorithm to FPM's old code. which can be a bit tricky.
which is why i'm not saying tonight, I actually have to repay for all the servers and bring everything back online too, zzzzzzzzzzz
my wallet gonna hurt haha
so now it's just captcha left and htat is "easy" to bypass
Yes i do realise that, but you also get that anyone could make a post like that, correct?
So what you are saying is basically. If i was to make a post now writing down various status updates wich may just be copy pasted from someone else. You'd have to belive it because i COULD or COULD NOT be part of the dev team right?
Sorry but this is not how a company works. I'd prefer the official response in that case, as i'd know its one i can belive.
Wrong if you think that this is official xDDDD So fucking wrong. You are buying a thing that breaks the TOS of POkemon GO, you get it? This is not a company, this is just a bunch of devs that are *****ing the API and they put a price to this bot just to an exchange of their efforts and to make this as exclusively as possible. Don´t like this? Go to another bot please, we dont want kids whining.
the radar is back up so basically it's just the bots now.
Poke Radar for Pokemon GO - Maps, Finder, Search, Locations