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GB2 very "start & stoppy"


Active Member
Sep 14, 2011
I have noticed that while flying around gathering ore or herbs, but GatherBuddy2 profiles which I used before, have all began to occasionally stop midair and then go to the next waypoint, as if the bot isn't feeding it waypoints fast enough, but my server lag is very low.

Could anything contribute to this behavior? These are "known good" profiles that didn't used to do this.

View attachment 12-7-2011_11_24 AM 4208 Log.txt
make a try using my profiles and report back plz
make a try using my profiles and report back plz

Just tried several different profiles for Twilight Highlands Ore / Herb. Tried your profile, Woot's, and a few others and all of them do the same thing the OP mentioned. If does go from point to point just fine, but once its gets to a waypoint it stops for 1-2 seconds (I timed it) then heads to the next waypoint, it looks VERY bot like. Nothing showing up as errors or anything, its just taking 1-2 seconds from when it stops at one point, until it proceed's to another
Low fps?
Bogged down network?

I range from 63fps - 80 fps so that's not a problem. And I'm not server lagging (even though I am on Tichondrius Alliance) I can use abilities and mount and such with 0 delay, and my latency is 17 home, 24 world so that also is not an issue. Dunno if bliz changed something that may need to be updated in the profiles or what.
I had this for a little bit yesterday, but I restarted HB and WoW and it was gone... I'll keep an eye on what Tony comes up with. More knowledge for Panda.
I can also say that my network latency or WoW server latency doesn't seem to be the problem as both are very low. I have tried rebooting my computer and only having one instance of WoW and HB open, and it still does it. It seems to only happen during parts of the profiles instead of the entire profile, but I can't see a pattern as to when it does it (i.e. I don't fly near cities or anything). I am going to stop gather botting in the meantime only because it looks pretty suspicious. :) Any help would be great!
Try a different zone.
Maybe has to do with phasing and coords/wow loading the map in the shitty way blizz coded it.
Yah I'm going to have to stop botting for the time being also. It is pretty obvious, sometimes it's only like a 1/2 a second or 1 second delay before it starts to move to the next waypoint, but sometimes its 2-4 seconds... I had someone whisper me and say "obvious bot is obvious"... so if one person can pick it up that easily its obviously pretty noticeable. I'll try Tony's Deepholm real quick and see how that goes.
Ok new update here, I noticed something. I went to Deepholm and I am running Tony's profile, and its not AS bad there, one thing I noticed is that in Deepholm once it almost gets to the next waypoint that little yellow circle (your destination) will skip away from the waypoint I am going to, to another waypoint in the distance before I even get to my current one, so when it does that its nice and smooth. But Twilight Highlands doesn't do that at all (not once in the 3 hours I ran it, did it skip to a futher waypoint before I got to my current one), it just goes to a waypoint, waits..... and then goes to another one.
It has to do with your velocity(speed and direction) in game.
This in turn adjust the "path precision" which is basically if with 5 yards while on ground mount, skip to next point. While flying at 280% skip at 10 yards.

Somehow it isn't updating your position fast enough to Hb.
I had this problem too just for an hour, no idea why, cuz im running with 100+ fps
Then after 1 hour everthing went smooth like allways :D
Idk what causes the issue, but it's Hb not getting your position fast enough if it actually stops, goes, stops.
Nope. Bot completely stops moving and loads all necessary tiles, then continues.

It's gotta be the phasing BS that Blizz did. They had to hack their own old as dinosaur shit game engine to pieces to get phasing to work.
They implemented phasing in Twilight Highlands and Uldum a long time ago when Cata came out, and these profiles worked perfectly (for me, anyway) before this week. It might be phasing screwing with the way HB reports your location, but did anything regarding phasing change in 4.3 or since on the back end?
Just for closure, I wanted to note that after the last HB update (with the memory usage fix), this start/stop issue went away for me. Thank you!
I was having the same problem. My bot was stopping at each waypoint and very noticeably when it had just found a node. My comp runs fine and my MS is normal.

I noticed that when i looked through my logs i would see [12:14:23 PM:112] PB 1.152:Pulsing Tradeskills from OnSpellsChanged, [12:14:23 PM:192] PB 1.190:Pulsing Tradeskills from OnSpellsChanged at the moment a node was found and it was what was slowing it up.

I changed from using a multiprofile with PB to just using the same profile with GB2 and it fixed it instantly, it only pulses for trade skills once and runs as smooth as ever, you can see in the second log i attached when i changed the HB mode. Could this have something to do with my settings? What is the bot doing when it is pulsing for tradeskills?, checking to see if i have the skill to gather the item or neg?

I am still rather new to HB and still figuring it out, so yeah sorry if this is a time waster of a response and for reviving and old thread.

Thanks Guys,



Unfortunately after the Christmas release of HB, my GB profiles are now start/stoppy again. :(