This got me thinking. was debating with a friend in regard to the recent bans, and we debated what's safe atm, and what's not.
One thing we got to think of, is the way HB/GB is managing flight movement. it's basically clicking spots in the air. try to activate click to move yourself, and click in the air the way GB2/ProffesionBuddy/Flying Questing profiles does it. Does it work? No it dosen't. you can't play with click to move and fly. It's impossible.
Ok, I don't know much about coding. I can make my own profiles in Notepad, that's it. but all tinfoilhattery aside, it would seem logical Blizzard could spot behaviour such as this if they looked into it.
I've taken numerous precautions and yet 2 of my GB2ers got banned. among those precautions:
1. Never trade gold, only mats.
2. No C.O.Ds
3. No AH
3. Frequently change profiles and only use custom.
4. Botted alot on the first one i got banned, so fair enough. only botted 3-4h daily on the second.
5. Used a seperate account for auctions/cods
Yet my bot got banned. They got SOME way of detecting this. 100%. It might be NPH related triggers, but alot of people can get 150-200nph legit - do the GMs really take a look at everybody reaching this sort of NPH? I doubt it.
Personally i think HBs pathing is detected, especially while flying... opinions?
Disclaimer: This purely based on personal opinion and speculation, just trying to figure out what's up with the recent bans, right now i'm running a grindbot without any sort of bans as lvl 90, but the money is pretty shit even with skinning, so i'm tempted to go back to GB2, but I simply don't dare atm after losing 2 accounts dispite precautions.
One thing we got to think of, is the way HB/GB is managing flight movement. it's basically clicking spots in the air. try to activate click to move yourself, and click in the air the way GB2/ProffesionBuddy/Flying Questing profiles does it. Does it work? No it dosen't. you can't play with click to move and fly. It's impossible.
Ok, I don't know much about coding. I can make my own profiles in Notepad, that's it. but all tinfoilhattery aside, it would seem logical Blizzard could spot behaviour such as this if they looked into it.
I've taken numerous precautions and yet 2 of my GB2ers got banned. among those precautions:
1. Never trade gold, only mats.
2. No C.O.Ds
3. No AH
3. Frequently change profiles and only use custom.
4. Botted alot on the first one i got banned, so fair enough. only botted 3-4h daily on the second.
5. Used a seperate account for auctions/cods
Yet my bot got banned. They got SOME way of detecting this. 100%. It might be NPH related triggers, but alot of people can get 150-200nph legit - do the GMs really take a look at everybody reaching this sort of NPH? I doubt it.
Personally i think HBs pathing is detected, especially while flying... opinions?
Disclaimer: This purely based on personal opinion and speculation, just trying to figure out what's up with the recent bans, right now i'm running a grindbot without any sort of bans as lvl 90, but the money is pretty shit even with skinning, so i'm tempted to go back to GB2, but I simply don't dare atm after losing 2 accounts dispite precautions.