I finally decided to update my old Herb farming profile because I keep running out of Northrend Inks and my farmer is still 80 (no cata on second account).

This Profile was built using herb location data on WoWHead and the addon Routes. It will take you over the entire Northrend continent.
? The path does NOT take mining nodes into account, However it will grab any it comes across.
I will not make a new profile for farming minerals, don't ask.
I will not help you with this profile if you do not post a log and a clear explanation of what is wrong.
For reference, here is the GB1 thread: OLD PROFILE THREAD.

This Profile was built using herb location data on WoWHead and the addon Routes. It will take you over the entire Northrend continent.
? The path does NOT take mining nodes into account, However it will grab any it comes across.
I will not make a new profile for farming minerals, don't ask.
I will not help you with this profile if you do not post a log and a clear explanation of what is wrong.
For reference, here is the GB1 thread: OLD PROFILE THREAD.