[8:27:21 AM:1]:Mount to Patrol
[8:27:21 AM:244]:Bar 3 button 1 to mount.
[8:27:24 AM:85]:MountAndTakeOff: Ascent needed.
[8:27:27 AM:102]:MountAndTakeOff: Ascent complete.
[8:27:27 AM:107]:Mount sequence complete.
[8:27:27 AM:110]:Patrol: Ascent needed.
[8:27:28 AM:121]:Patrol: Ascent complete.
[8:27:36 AM:653]:Stopping patrol.
[8:27:37 AM:459]:Maneuvering towards Adder's Tongue: ( 6533.854, 5158.446, -55.60929 )
[8:27:37 AM:464]:Moving to node...
[8:27:42 AM:671]:IsObjectUnderground test for 17658617343686880188.
[8:27:43 AM:378]:Node within dismount range.
[8:27:44 AM:955]:Maneuvering complete.
[8:27:45 AM:892]:Acquiring Adder's Tongue: ( 6533.854, 5158.446, -55.60929 )
[8:27:45 AM:907]:Last error message seen: Missing reagent: Crystallized Fire
[8:27:47 AM:242]:Casting:50300
[8:27:47 AM:248]:Harvesting...
[8:27:51 AM:701]:Adder's Tongue is harvested. Harvest count is now 55.
[8:27:51 AM:798]:Harvest attempt complete.
[8:27:52 AM:204]:Get buffs.
[8:27:52 AM:210]:Bar 3 button 9 for 5 minute buffs.
[8:27:53 AM:963]:Buffs complete.
[8:27:53 AM:969]: Harvest Report:
[8:27:53 AM:971]: Saronite Deposit: 24
[8:27:53 AM:976]: Goldclover: 9
[8:27:53 AM:978]: Adder's Tongue: 13
[8:27:53 AM:981]: Tiger Lily: 4
[8:27:53 AM:985]: Rich Saronite Deposit: 2
[8:27:53 AM:988]: Titanium Vein: 3
[8:27:53 AM:991]: 55 nodes gathered in 0 hours 34 minutes 16 seconds.
[8:27:54 AM:767]:Patrolling at path index 59
[8:27:54 AM:771]:Mount to Patrol
[8:27:55 AM:647]:Bar 3 button 1 to mount.
[8:27:58 AM:785]:MountAndTakeOff: Ascent needed.
[8:28:02 AM:558]:MountAndTakeOff: Ascent complete.
[8:28:02 AM:589]:Mount sequence complete.
[8:28:02 AM:595]:Patrol: Ascent needed.
[8:28:03 AM:599]:Patrol: Ascent complete.
[8:29:09 AM:977]:Error in tick():
[8:29:10 AM:10]:Is character logged in?
[8:29:10 AM:547]:Error in tick():
[8:29:10 AM:824]:Error in tick():
[8:29:11 AM:98]:Error in tick():
[8:29:11 AM:103]:Fatal error in tick()