Hey guys,
I have been using both ZapRecorder2 (WoD) and Robotos theTramper recorder to try and record a very simple yet effective gathering/grinding profile right near Vol'Mar....however for some reason the bot will only go to the first hotspot that was recorded and then sits and does absolutely nothing, so I have no idea what is going on or what is wrong....But I AM trying to get some profiles out there for you guys. If anyone can help me figure out just wth is wrong or what Im doing wrong that would be great! Attached is the test profile I created with Zaprecorder, it includes the mailbox and repair vendor for the Horde side. If anyone can figure out what Im doing wrong pls let me know! If this for whatever reason WORKS for you, please let me know! I am trying to give you guys some profiles for tanaan! My goal is to work on a grind profile for Apexis Cystals and also a decently large gathering profile. Pls pls pls help me figure this out!
I have been using both ZapRecorder2 (WoD) and Robotos theTramper recorder to try and record a very simple yet effective gathering/grinding profile right near Vol'Mar....however for some reason the bot will only go to the first hotspot that was recorded and then sits and does absolutely nothing, so I have no idea what is going on or what is wrong....But I AM trying to get some profiles out there for you guys. If anyone can help me figure out just wth is wrong or what Im doing wrong that would be great! Attached is the test profile I created with Zaprecorder, it includes the mailbox and repair vendor for the Horde side. If anyone can figure out what Im doing wrong pls let me know! If this for whatever reason WORKS for you, please let me know! I am trying to give you guys some profiles for tanaan! My goal is to work on a grind profile for Apexis Cystals and also a decently large gathering profile. Pls pls pls help me figure this out!