bot sometimes isnot pickin up nodes, lands next to a node and tries to mine it before he lands and stays still next to it (after starts mining he stil is doing some mowement), in result the mining action gets interupted. then he satys for a while next to it and flies away.
another strange isue is when randomly bot starts "humping" the ground for no reason, noticed that this happens in any random place of the map.
higlightin the log that responsible for this. after stop/start of the honorbdy it continues as noral.
but if i leeve it on for like 5 hours and it starts his "humping" beheviour, and im not noticing it that would probably result in multiple reports and suspensios/bans.
ps this morning got one of my acounts baned
View attachment 2012.04.01_08_06 4548 Log.txt
another strange isue is when randomly bot starts "humping" the ground for no reason, noticed that this happens in any random place of the map.
higlightin the log that responsible for this. after stop/start of the honorbdy it continues as noral.
but if i leeve it on for like 5 hours and it starts his "humping" beheviour, and im not noticing it that would probably result in multiple reports and suspensios/bans.
ps this morning got one of my acounts baned

[10:04:24:640] [Gatherbuddy2]: Removing "Elementium Vein" from loot list. Ninja attempt avoided
[10:04:24:656] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Bots.Gatherbuddy.GatherbuddyBot.#fuc(Object ret)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
at TreeSharp.DecoratorContinue.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Sequence.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
[10:04:24:656] Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick()
[10:04:24:656] Cleared POI
[10:04:24:734] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward
[10:04:24:734] [Gatherbuddy2]: Removing "Elementium Vein" from loot list. Ninja attempt avoided
[10:04:24:765] Activity: Moving to next hotspot
[10:04:24:843] [Gatherbuddy2]: Removing "Elementium Vein" from loot list. Ninja attempt avoided
[10:04:25:796] MoveStop failed for Forward, JumpAscend
[10:04:26:078] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward, JumpAscend
[10:04:26:078] [Gatherbuddy2]: Removing "Elementium Vein" from loot list. Ninja attempt avoided
[10:04:28:000] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward, JumpAscend
[10:04:28:015] [Gatherbuddy2]: Removing "Elementium Vein" from loot list. Ninja attempt avoided
[10:04:29:953] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward, JumpAscend
[10:04:33:140] [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Elementium Vein" at X="-3511.28" Y="-3922.02" Z="106.995"
[10:04:33:140] Activity: Moving to node
[10:04:34:656] MoveStop failed for Forward, JumpAscend
[10:04:34:937] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward, JumpAscend
[10:04:35:093] [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Elementium Vein" at X="-3511.28" Y="-3922.02" Z="106.995"
[10:04:36:046] MoveStop failed for Forward, JumpAscend
[10:04:36:359] [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Elementium Vein" at X="-3511.28" Y="-3922.02" Z="106.995"
[10:04:36:437] [Gatherbuddy2]: Removing "Elementium Vein" from loot list. Ninja attempt avoided
[10:04:36:468] Activity: Moving to next hotspot
[10:04:36:984] [Gatherbuddy2]: Removing "Elementium Vein" from loot list. Ninja attempt avoided
[10:04:38:750] MoveStop failed for Forward, JumpAscend
[10:04:39:015] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward, JumpAscend
[10:04:39:046] [Gatherbuddy2]: Removing "Elementium Vein" from loot list. Ninja attempt avoided
[10:04:41:750] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Forward, JumpAscend
[10:05:41:890] Stopping the bot!
[10:05:41:890] Stop called!
View attachment 2012.04.01_08_06 4548 Log.txt