I still don't get your point of view hawker =/
Having a relogger will improve the gold per hour, not everyone has a "stable" connection. Not to mention the Random DC's from wow.
Staying online means more gold coming in.
Having a relatively better nodes "blacklisting" function, will increase the bots functionality thus, increasing the gold income.
I'm sure if you took the time to look into improving GB and made a Thread asking the other users what could be done to improve the gold income using GB you will have pages upon pages of suggestions.
The way i see it :
HB is getting all the focus from the dev team.
HB is starting to become the Main product instead of GB.
GB rarely gets any attention from the dev team unless it was to fix something that is broken.
And yet..GB costs more than HB and requires monthly subscription , yet it's way behind HB when it comes to functionality.
Comparing GB with HB is like comparing a Bicycle and a Car.
They both get you from point A to point B, but the functionality and users satisfaction is a LOT different.
It might be some sort of a "plan" the devs have about fully Integrating gathering into HB.
It might be plain Negligence from the devs.
I'm just stating the obvious
PS: I didn't say i hate GB nor did i say i hate the dev team. Just saying what i noticed and what i would like to see done.