*sigh* Something changed dramatically.
I'm using the Vash'jir megaroute profile and prior to the automatic update feature in HB it worked almost flawlessly as a druid.
But apparantly only recently my druid always wants to fly between hotspots, so what happens is it will go to the surface and starts jumping because it's unable to go to flight form. And if it does happen to succeed getting in flight form it will stay in flight form trying to get down under the surface of the water.
This is getting really annoying.
"[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Stormvine" at X="-5397.79" Y="3395.775" Z="-134.702"
MoveStop failed for JumpAscend" <---- Does anyone know what causes this
I'm using the Vash'jir megaroute profile and prior to the automatic update feature in HB it worked almost flawlessly as a druid.
But apparantly only recently my druid always wants to fly between hotspots, so what happens is it will go to the surface and starts jumping because it's unable to go to flight form. And if it does happen to succeed getting in flight form it will stay in flight form trying to get down under the surface of the water.
This is getting really annoying.
"[Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Stormvine" at X="-5397.79" Y="3395.775" Z="-134.702"
MoveStop failed for JumpAscend" <---- Does anyone know what causes this