i just finished recording a cobalt run in howling fjord (will release after i fine tune it) and didnt notice my gear was trashed from dungeons. here is the log:
i flew north to the argent stand, and after descending to ground level, it immediately flew back up and returned to howling fjord; did not dismount or seek out a repair vendor at all. dunno why, just thought i would post in case it was some bug that could be fixed.
EDIT: i just tried again and it magically worked, so ski or tony please delete this thread, i cant.
Current zone is: Howling Fjord.
Harvest count reset to Zero.
Repair needed.
3322.07 yards to repair NPC.
Ascend for repair journey.
Begin repair journey.
3313 yards to repair NPC
3252 yards to repair NPC.
42 yards to repair NPC.
Descend to get to Repair NPC.
50 yards to repair NPC.
98 yards to repair NPC.
Find repair NPC.
Already mounted.
Ascend after repair journey.
Repair complete.
i flew north to the argent stand, and after descending to ground level, it immediately flew back up and returned to howling fjord; did not dismount or seek out a repair vendor at all. dunno why, just thought i would post in case it was some bug that could be fixed.
EDIT: i just tried again and it magically worked, so ski or tony please delete this thread, i cant.
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