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Gatherbuddy: Casual Botter Review // Experience


New Member
Feb 3, 2010
I'm a casual botter. I don't bot to make real life money. I bot so I don't have to worry about gold farming via professions, or doing dailies on my main.

How I bot:

I have two accounts. One's my 'botting' account, with a hand-leveled DK (as well as several other hand-leveled characters that I can afford to lose, since I don't play them anymore), and the other's my main account (that has never had any botting done). I generally do NOT do any level-bots, as these are, I view as, 100% ban.

I use Gatherbuddy whenever I 'feel like it'. I bot during night time with herbalism and mining; Start around when I sleep (11pm->2am), and end when I'm done with my first class (10am->12pm) of that day, or when I wake up. I do NOT bot on Monday nights, due to maintenance.

I make about 2,500g on a decent night, and use the AH via 5 bank alts. I even undercut myself sometimes (using the other bank alts), so it doesn't look like I'm the only one hording the AH =P. I do not bother with second level 80s and professions, since I don't want to. I don't want the hassle of doing that crap to maximize the gold... I just want 'easy gold'.

The longest session I've ever done (i.e. on a nightly basis) was 3 nights in a row. I usually do every other nights, unless I'm strapped for gold. I try to have my main have around 40,000g, and the bank of my botting account have 1,000g... but recently, my main only has ~25,000g since I spent a lot of it trying to gear up my new 80 w/ ICC primordial gears =P.

Is it worth an additional ~$22/month (~$6.63 GB and ~$15 WoW)?

For me, yes it is. Not having to worry about gold = less stress in this game = more fun for me. This game is a hobby of mine. A hobby, by pretty much definition, costs $$$. A hobby that I find fun, and one I can do at any time without any frustrations (at least in terms of being poor ingame =P) is definitely worth the <$500/year I spend on that specific hobby. Hell, violin is another hobby of mine... and that costs ~$200/month solely on strings alone! Not to mention maintenance costs, which can cost nearly ~$900/year (in addition to the strings).

In addition, WoW is the only game I play, aside from 'must have' releases (like Final Fantasy 13!). I can justify the gaming hobby cost quite easily with this, since I don't go out and buy/rent random games to satisfy my inner-gaming geek =P.

But, is it for you?

If you're trying to make money off selling WoW gold... you didn't have to read this. You already made your decision. This is for casual botters, whom certainly exists, or has to exist...

You first have to realize that you may lose your botting account for good. While chances are that you will get banned for using GB *casually* are low, it COULD happen. If you can't face this fact, don't do it.

Another realization is that you must be willing to pay the down payment of ~$106, which I wasn't able to do... hence the monthly cost. Because I'm a casual player, I doubt I will be playing this game for more then a year before I take a break... which means its not worth it for me (GB Lifetime makes money after you pass the 16-month mark), since I will be on-and-off. And who knows? GB may be shut down just like Glider *keeps fingers crossed it doesn't*.

And finally, you have to decide... is the ~$22/month extra cost, as well as a potential ban, going to be worth getting ~30,000g a month (3 nights a week, averaging a modest 2,500g/night; this is all realm-based), or can you find other ways to use that money to gain you other benefits (be it WoW-related or not)?

And with that... I hope I have made an impact in your views of using GB as a casual botter, be it pro-bot, or no-bot.

Good luck and thanks for reading!

While there are free botting options (like GPbot), I generally do not like 'free' bots, as they are no motivations for the developers to continue updating the program. This means that the developers simply might not care if their users get banned due to their bots being detected (and not user reports), which puts me at risk. Also, given that its free, more people have access to it, and if more people have access to it... its easier to detect it.

But look at Mr. FishIt! It's been working fine for years and never caused a ban =P. One can argue that its a very simple bot, hence the low detection rate, while others can argue the above point as well.

While you can ALSO negate the cost of WoW by trading gold for gamecards (my realm has a 60-day gamecard for 8,000g-standard that people want in trade), this may lead to an unwanted suspension, since trading gold for gamecards are against Blizzard's ToS... and should they decide to further investigate where you GOT that gold... you may get banned :X.

You can also trade gold for gamecards via gold farming sites, but these also increase your chances of getting caught and banned. In short, I don't do it.
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Mr.Fishit might be a freebot, but its written by Nesox, a Honorbuddy/Gatherbuddy Dev, not only that but its a fishing not, so its low on blizzards radar, unlike other full fledged bots *Cough* Mimic * Cough* so take that into account as well, honorbuddy and gatherbuddy are both professional tools and thats what you pay for.
Hehe...one of the best reviews I've ever read :).
Nice piece of text right here. Glad you enjoy it mate.
Mr.Fishit might be a freebot, but its written by Nesox, a Honorbuddy/Gatherbuddy Dev, not only that but its a fishing not, so its low on blizzards radar, unlike other full fledged bots *Cough* Mimic * Cough* so take that into account as well, honorbuddy and gatherbuddy are both professional tools and thats what you pay for.

And as such i REALLY HOPE to see a plugin for HB2 for Mr Fishit in the near future :P

But you get what you pay for in the long run... this bot has been amazing and compared to the others.. its by far the forerunner, and well worth the price :)
Nice read. Sounds like your in the same boat I am in. Hell its one of my cheepest hobies thats for sure :)
If your gonna spend 22 dollars a month on GB, why not just get a lifetime account, for 110? It'll save you in the long run, no?

EDIT: great review though!
Great review lastdayx52, i agree with you on all the casual botting points. I do not bot to sell gold or account, i just do it to enjoy the game and not have to worry about anything but getting into my guilds icc runs that week lol
If your gonna spend 22 dollars a month on GB, why not just get a lifetime account, for 110? It'll save you in the long run, no?
EDIT: great review though!

Oh no, it costs ~$6.63/month for GB alone. At that rate, it takes ~16 months for it to start being cost effective to buy the lifetime account (80euros/5euros). Since I'll be botting on and off, and I will most likely take a break, I believe its more cost effective to pay month-to-month basis where I only pay for the months I will be using. For example, if I quit the game in 3 months, and don't play again for a year, only to come back for another 3 months... I only botted for 6 months, hence cheaper =P.