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Gahterbuddy DETECTION


New Member
Oct 14, 2011
I lost an account the other day now all my friends got banned too , what else is needed for the honorbuddy owners to come here and SAY TO PEOPLE DONT USE GATHERBUDDY ANYMORE!!! The other bots seem undetectable but gatherbuddy is 100% detected with the yards BS, please people paid you LOADS OF MONEY why dont you have the courage of saying that GATHERBUDDY IS CERTAIN BAN , I know you dont care about the people accounts but even business strategy speaking you are being stupid just saying


Do we have to buy gatherbro is gatherbro safe???? PLEASE someone from devs like bossland for example have to make a post explaining if that is safe if not , maybe you are the owner of gatherbro and want to get paid just be honest we will pay you 30 or 40 euros if it WORKS but explain us we are costumers for years!!!!!!!!

And dont come here trying to insult me with 2 or 3 people saying you know the risk etc I dont care I use honorbuddy since version 1.950 I know the risks I NEVER got baned this is not even a banwave blizzard is baning left and right vanilla accounts of people that bots once in a month so dont give me BS.
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its the essence.

Please go to us.battle.net and eu.battle.net and open a ticket and complain that you're not able to bot without getting banned.
I am using GB2 for like 3 weeks now with no problem what so ever.
Were u botting 24/7?
Did you get stuck a lot?

I think you just got reported many times mate.
Their is no point to you making this thread to complain about being banned for cheating.

What you CAN do, is instead follow the guidelines and post what you were doing, how long were you doing it, was it US/EU etc etc.

Right now, you're just a whiny bitch who can't handle the fact he got banned. Can't handle it, don't bot.
Bit of a pointless comment. Look the devs will never admidt that blizzards dectection rate of GB2 or reports from players have made it almost impossible to use it anymore along with BG's but how about you use some common sense and read the ban forums and inform yourself with whats working at the moment and whats not.

Honestly if you are stupid enough to use GB2 and BG's atm then save us all the trouble and sux it like a man when you get banned. After all the dramas of late I havent use either of the two on my 3 still active accounts and have had no problems.
Bit of a pointless comment. Look the devs will never admidt that blizzards dectection rate of GB2 or reports from players have made it almost impossible to use it anymore along with BG's but how about you use some common sense and read the ban forums and inform yourself with whats working at the moment and whats not.

Honestly if you are stupid enough to use GB2 and BG's atm then save us all the trouble and sux it like a man when you get banned. After all the dramas of late I havent use either of the two on my 3 still active accounts and have had no problems.

Use gatherbro and your problem is most likely solved if you just use the same profiles over and over with gb2 you'll get banned quikly.
yawn. ban this guy. ive been using gatherbuddy for weeks in 2 hour on 4 hoyur off intervals on 4 accounts. no problems here.

Uh. I'll try to make this clear because honestly your rant was slightly scatter-brained. No offense meant at all.

1. Honorbuddy is a product, what you do with that product is up to you. In buying honorbuddy you know the inherent risk of botting and considered the popularity of GB2 it is not crazy that you and your friends have been banned. I've been banned twice by using it.

2. Loads of money. If I remember correctly it was $30.00 a license. That's miniscule. Think about it. If you use HB for 2 months its the equivalent of a wow sub. That is besides the fact it is a lifetime license.

3. Sure using the GB2 we know and love by default it will quickly be detected. I think its LCP technology or something. If you use the same path too many times its an auto ban, pretty simple.

4. Gatherbro is FREE at the moment. The dev hasn't decided on a price. However it is free to try for now.

5. No one is going to insult you. That isn't an insult. People are going to tell you that there are risk. You simply don't want people to say so because you're angry and that isn't what you want to here. The fact that you weren't banned until now is luck. I don't know if it is a main account or an "extra" account that was banned. However if you were stupid enough to get banned on your main account then it was your own fault! Not the devs of honorbuddy! They sell a product, not responsibility, that is your job!
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There is no point making any thread trying to explain that a guy that bots 3 hours in a week interval gets baned because this is the comunity they are just PLAIN stupid and ignorant. I dont care what you guys think , I use diferent profiles and I never bot more than 4 hours and this is my alt account I was more in a try of getting devs responses and not plain retards since I use honorbuddy before you even dream wow existed and never get baned once , so this means that something is diferent.

Go watch the prices in ah too the ghost iron bar are 150g in my server, one month ago it was 45g , they are baning left and right gatherbuddy period, now I just want the devs to pronouce themselves over this , I own 4 honorbuddy accounts in different names , my gf , cousin etc and there are people here spending 1000$+ in accounts so spear me the stupidity and let the devs answer, thanks all.

Weird since i was useing it off and on 2-4 hours a day, some times more for 3 weeks and was never banned... Dropped my mining for Enchanting. Leveling 3 new bots now and will be running 1 24/7 and the others 6 hours or so.
It's simple, Pedro. People get confident and greedy. When someone says he has been botting just for three hours in a week interval and has been banned, the fool thinks:

1. We have been detected! Women and children first! Run for your life!

And the wise (or even experienced) botter simply thinks:

2. There must be something else, on top of those "three hours a week". I'm not saying that person is a liar, but simply didn't knew he was doing another thing on top of just running gatherbuddy2 for 3 hours. Perhaps he used a really bad profile with no blackspots, or a profile that Blizzard has seen many times (and the players in that specific server), etc. There are lots of things that can lead to a ban, and one we know almost for sure it does not: HB is not detected.

So, follow Occam's advice: "among competing hypotheses, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected.". Put your tinfoil hat in the wardrobe, buy a new WoW license, keep calm and carry on botting ;-)
It's simple, Pedro. People get confident and greedy. When someone says he has been botting just for three hours in a week interval and has been banned, the fool thinks:

1. We have been detected! Women and children first! Run for your life!

And the wise (or even experienced) botter simply thinks:

2. There must be something else, on top of those "three hours a week". I'm not saying that person is a liar, but simply didn't knew he was doing another thing on top of just running gatherbuddy2 for 3 hours. Perhaps he used a really bad profile with no blackspots, or a profile that Blizzard has seen many times (and the players in that specific server), etc. There are lots of things that can lead to a ban, and one we know almost for sure it does not: HB is not detected.

So, follow Occam's advice: "among competing hypotheses, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected.". Put your tinfoil hat in the wardrobe, buy a new WoW license, keep calm and carry on botting ;-)

I've been banned for botting a few hours a day and the ban was around a week later not once but more lol now i have no problems becouse i don't use the same profiles over and over again.

Basically if you use the same profiles and don't use something like gatherbro you get banned pretty quikly and you can say 1-2 hours a day is safe with a single profile well it isn't you need to randomize profiles or use gatherbro.

To dushi seriously there are people running tons of bots without bans it doesn't matter how many bots you run unless you run insane ammounts of 50+ bots.

Using the same route over and over again is gonna get you banned very simple.
Basically if you use the same profiles and don't use something like gatherbro you get banned pretty quikly and you can say 1-2 hours a day is safe with a single profile well it isn't you need to randomize profiles or use gatherbro.

Or just stay away from Valley of Four Winds and The Jade Forest, where the vast majority of players gather. There are still nice places to farm, less nodes per hour perhaps, but everything is better than a banned farmer.
Or just stay away from Valley of Four Winds and The Jade Forest, where the vast majority of players gather. There are still nice places to farm, less nodes per hour perhaps, but everything is better than a banned farmer.

It's more of an automated system doing the bans which is why you should switch profiles every hour or so and use long profiles or use gatherbro.

It never really mattered to me where I gathered becouse the automated bans kept coming.