Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1073.471
Logging in...
Login Success!
First CPU: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz
OS Version: Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
App Path: C:\Users\Boogie\Desktop\BuddyWing\Buddywing.exe
Current build number: 986711
Loading client.gom..
Loaded client.gom!
Took 590ms to get the nodes list.
There are 95686 nodes.
DomList has 95748/98317
_BaseClient handled.
utlStaticDefinitions handled.
strOracle handled.
gmOracle handled.
ablOracle handled.
Debug Draw Oracle added.
dbgDrawOracle handled.
mapOracle handled.
chrOracle handled.
qstOracle handled.
spnOracle handled.
cnvOracle handled.
ctlOracle handled.
_InputHandler handled.
scSpaceCombatOracle handled.
guiApiGfx handled.
ablTrainerOracle handled.
prfOracle handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputCamera - 3B9AEEB8
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputMouse - 3B9AEEC5
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputMovement - 3B9AEEC9
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputVehicle - 3B9AEEDE
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputTargetting - 3B9AEEED
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputGame - 3B9AEF10
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputUI - 3B9AEF6F
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputConvo - 3B9AEFA1
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputCharacterSelection - 3B9AEFB3
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputCreditsScreen - 3B9AEFB9
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputUtility - 3B9AEFBB
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputLoadingScreen - 3B9AEFC6
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputMacroBinoculars - 3B9AEFC8
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputSCFFVehicle - 3B9AEFD4
sysInputLayer handled.
Took 3153ms to process the node list
User is a Consular
Routine Path: Routines
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - Initializing
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload !THROTTLED!
Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
JoesCombat v0.2014.1.23
[JoesCombat] Level: 20
[JoesCombat] Class: Consular
[JoesCombat] Advanced Class: Shadow (Infiltration)
Chose JoesCombat as your combat routine.
[JoesCombat] Level: 20
[JoesCombat] Class: Consular
[JoesCombat] Advanced Class: Shadow (Infiltration)
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.Common.Plugins.IPlugin> - Initializing
Initializing Auto-Equip
There are 1 plugins.
Current bot set to Quest Bot
Loaded profile [R - Dark] 17-22 Taris [Kick]
Sell quality set to Premium.
Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
Start/Stop Button Clicked!
BotMain.Start() called
Forcing profile reload. -- Temporary fix for behavior cache issues during start/stop.
Current bot set to Quest Bot
Loaded profile [R - Dark] 17-22 Taris [Kick]
Starting bot Quest Bot
Added new hook [RepopCorpse] 8235c72a-4988-4b3a-90e0-a5b933ba8a85
Added new hook [RoutineCombat] f55a954f-b9dd-4b3b-b1d4-8f6f74f6fdf9
Added new hook [HotspotPoi] 494bf6ce-f885-4f3a-9717-5d90837bd915
Added new hook [SellVendorPoi] d0c4d049-4930-4a64-8d27-b444165e6e01
Added new hook [SetLootPoi] 5065472a-f15e-4c5c-a85f-ddb9b5dba49a
Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 5060a0b1-4631-49f0-9dad-3d930afad9e4
Added new hook [SetVendorPoi] 400406b4-5e79-4d68-afc3-33ea85f2bbb8
Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] bfa330b0-c3f3-4603-bf29-e38775322af1
Added new hook [SelectPoiType] fd8a0e25-95f2-4a3e-9bfa-5e8495c73b1e
Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] e0771c25-e995-4282-bf7d-fce79d595fbd
Setting force alignment settings.
Spooling up bot thread.
Bot thread started.
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanBelt slot's score is: 1085
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanChest slot's score is: 1250
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanFace slot's score is: 1080
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanFoot slot's score is: 810
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanGlove slot's score is: 740
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanLeg slot's score is: 1210
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanWrist slot's score is: 945
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanMainHand slot's score is: 2049
[UseObject] Started
[Poi.Clear] Reason: Current quest behavior changed to UseObjectTag: X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0, ObjectName: Toxic Stockpile, Radius: 200, UseTimes: 1, UseRange: 0, WaitTime: 5, BlacklistDuration: 30, Hotspots: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Buddy.CommonBot.Profile.Hotspot], PlaceableNames: null, IgnoreLOS: False, IgnoreQuestRelation: False, Names: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String], Object: null, Position: <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484>, QuestId: 16141013377107965023, BranchId: 1, StepId: 2, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: E0006625D159345F, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector, .
Replaced hook [QuestProfileBehavior_Hook] a0582557-c8a1-47b0-b370-d8f11ee5593a
[JoesCombat] Reported Processor Count: 2
[JoesCombat] Star Wars Process ID Detected as: 6084
[JoesCombat] Checking Abilities...
[JoesCombat] Abil Archaeology found
[JoesCombat] Pull Range set at 2.9
[JoesCombat] Combat Toggle Key [Home] HotKey Registered.
[JoesCombat] Group Tag-Along Key [Subtract] HotKey Registered.
[JoesCombat] Movement Toggle Key [Delete] HotKey Registered... You can edit the value in MercHelpers.cs if necessary (and then restart the .exe)
[JoesCombat] Forced Bot Thread ABORT [NumPad0] HotKey Registered (to try and force Reload if hung)...
[JoesCombat] Ability Field Revive found.
[JoesCombat] Ability Summon Companion found.
[JoesCombat] Ability Return to Medcenter found.
[JoesCombat] Ability Summon Companion found.
[JoesCombat] Spec Detected as: ShadowInfiltration
[JoesCombat] Check Abilities: Bio False Scav False Arch True Slicing False
[JoesCombat] Scanning for loot....
[POI Set] Type: Kill
Killing Pirate Stalker Droid with 100% health at 6.37 meters
[JoesCombat] Initiating Combat with Pirate Stalker Droid InGroup: False My Spec: ShadowInfiltration
[JoesCombat] MoveTo: Pirate Stalker Droid Moving to within 0.2 from dist of 0.6 current LOS: True
Generating path to <-67.479, -23.67147, 108.2888>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <-67.479, -23.67147, 108.2888> () with 1 hops.
[JoesCombat] HP: 100.0 RS: 100.0 AC: 1 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 0.3 THP: 100.00 Comp: NONE CHP: 100.0 Casting Shadow Strike
[JoesCombat] HP: 098.0 RS: 076.0 AC: 3 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 0.3 THP: 38.03 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 097.2 Casting Force Potency
[JoesCombat] HP: 098.0 RS: 084.0 AC: 3 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 0.3 THP: 38.03 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 097.2 Casting Force Breach
[JoesCombat] HP: 098.0 RS: 072.0 AC: 3 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 0.3 THP: 22.27 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 093.0 Casting Force Wave
[JoesCombat] Initiating Combat with Pirate Muscle InGroup: False My Spec: ShadowInfiltration
[JoesCombat] HP: 096.9 RS: 088.0 AC: 3 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 2.6 THP: 06.67 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 091.1 Casting Project
[JoesCombat] Initiating Combat with Pirate Stalker Droid InGroup: False My Spec: ShadowInfiltration
[JoesCombat] MoveTo: Pirate Stalker Droid Moving to within 0.4 from dist of 0.9 current LOS: True
[JoesCombat] HP: 096.9 RS: 057.0 AC: 2 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 9.0 THP: 03.11 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 091.1 Casting Force Speed
Generating path to <-66.64168, -23.63034, 108.0504>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <-66.64168, -23.63034, 108.0504> () with 1 hops.
[JoesCombat] Initiating Combat with Pirate Sentinel InGroup: False My Spec: ShadowInfiltration
[JoesCombat] MoveTo: Pirate Sentinel Moving to within 0.4 from dist of 2.4 current LOS: True
Generating path to <-68.60873, -23.6766, 108.2394>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <-68.60873, -23.6766, 108.2394> () with 1 hops.
[JoesCombat] HP: 094.7 RS: 080.3 AC: 1 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 2.7 THP: 83.08 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 088.3 Casting Force Breach
[JoesCombat] HP: 094.7 RS: 088.1 AC: 1 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 2.7 THP: 21.70 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 085.8 Casting Project
[JoesCombat] TargetInCombat: Null Target.
[Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
[JoesCombat] Rough Average (Non-Overkill) DPS Including AOE and Excluding GC Time on Last Group: 175.7 Seconds: 13.7 Max Group Combat Health: 2,410
[JoesCombat] Starting Rest....
[JoesCombat] Done with Rest.
[JoesCombat] Scanning for loot....
[JoesCombat] Loot: Moving to Pirate Muscle Distance: .8 Position: <-67.55009, -23.67119, 108.1807>
Moving to Pirate Muscle at 7.975781 meters.
[POI Set] Type: Loot
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanBelt slot's score is: 1085
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanChest slot's score is: 1250
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanFace slot's score is: 1080
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanFoot slot's score is: 810
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanGlove slot's score is: 740
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanLeg slot's score is: 1210
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanWrist slot's score is: 945
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanMainHand slot's score is: 2049
[Poi.Clear] Reason: POI is no longer valid for looting.
Generating path to Toxic Stockpile <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to Toxic Stockpile <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to Toxic Stockpile <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to Toxic Stockpile <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Nav callback called.
Generating path to Toxic Stockpile <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to Toxic Stockpile <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484>
Nav Service path generated.
Generated path to <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484> (Toxic Stockpile) with 39 hops.
Moving to next hop: <-68.25, -23.66865, 109.25>, T: None (Toxic Stockpile) D: 1.081746
Moving to next hop: <-67.2, -23.88055, 115.2>, T: None (Toxic Stockpile) D: 6.086573
[POI Set] Type: Kill
Killing Pirate Gunslinger with 100% health at 23.5 meters
[JoesCombat] Initiating Combat with Pirate Gunslinger InGroup: False My Spec: ShadowInfiltration
[JoesCombat] HP: 100.0 RS: 100.0 AC: 1 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 23.5 THP: 100.00 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 100.0 Casting Stealth
[JoesCombat] MoveTo: Pirate Gunslinger Moving to within 0.2 from dist of 2.3 current LOS: True
Generating path to <-70.3188, -23.67496, 110.6886>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <-70.3188, -23.67496, 110.6886> () with 1 hops.
[JoesCombat] HP: 100.0 RS: 100.0 AC: 1 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 0.3 THP: 100.00 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 100.0 Casting Shadow Strike
[JoesCombat] HP: 093.8 RS: 068.0 AC: 2 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 0.3 THP: 82.65 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 100.0 Casting Force Breach
[JoesCombat] HP: 093.8 RS: 056.0 AC: 2 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 0.3 THP: 68.77 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 100.0 Casting Mind Control
[JoesCombat] HP: 093.8 RS: 064.1 AC: 2 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 0.3 THP: 68.77 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 100.0 Casting Force Wave
[JoesCombat] Initiating Combat with Pirate Muscle InGroup: False My Spec: ShadowInfiltration
[JoesCombat] HP: 093.8 RS: 072.1 AC: 2 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 2.0 THP: 100.00 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 100.0 Casting Project
[JoesCombat] HP: 092.3 RS: 049.1 AC: 2 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 2.0 THP: 57.39 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 100.0 Casting Double Strike
[JoesCombat] HP: 088.4 RS: 042.2 AC: 2 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 2.0 THP: 21.83 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 100.0 Casting Double Strike
[JoesCombat] Initiating Combat with Pirate Gunslinger InGroup: False My Spec: ShadowInfiltration
[JoesCombat] MoveTo: Pirate Gunslinger Moving to within 0.4 from dist of 0.9 current LOS: True
[JoesCombat] HP: 088.4 RS: 027.2 AC: 1 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 9.2 THP: 44.42 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 100.0 Casting Force Speed
Generating path to <-69.43132, -23.67303, 110.8047>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <-69.43132, -23.67303, 110.8047> () with 1 hops.
[JoesCombat] HP: 088.4 RS: 027.2 AC: 1 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 0.1 THP: 39.78 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 088.9 Casting Force Breach
[JoesCombat] HP: 087.3 RS: 031.3 AC: 1 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 0.1 THP: 30.40 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 085.0 Casting Saber Strike
[JoesCombat] HP: 087.3 RS: 039.3 AC: 1 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 0.1 THP: 22.80 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 081.9 Casting Saber Strike
[JoesCombat] HP: 080.1 RS: 055.4 AC: 1 CTScale: 1.0 TD: 0.1 THP: 07.65 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 075.4 Casting Force Stun
[Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!
[JoesCombat] XP Per Hour: 32,480 XP Needed for Level: 77,127 ETA for Level: 142 minutes.
[JoesCombat] Rough Average (Non-Overkill) DPS Including AOE and Excluding GC Time on Last Group: 220.1 Seconds: 15.8 Max Group Combat Health: 3,480
[JoesCombat] Starting Rest....
[JoesCombat] Done with Rest.
[JoesCombat] Scanning for loot....
[JoesCombat] Loot: Moving to Pirate Gunslinger Distance: .0 Position: <-69.43132, -23.67303, 110.8047>
Moving to Pirate Gunslinger at 0.09905603 meters.
[POI Set] Type: Loot
Blacklisting 5CB98CDB6D5 for 00:05:00
[Poi.Clear] Reason: Could not reach loot target for 30s. Blacklisting for five minutes and moving on.
Generating path to Toxic Stockpile <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to Toxic Stockpile <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to Toxic Stockpile <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Nav callback called.
Generating path to Toxic Stockpile <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484>
Nav Service path generated.
Generated path to <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484> (Toxic Stockpile) with 40 hops.
Moving to next hop: <-68.8, -23.65008, 111.6>, T: None (Toxic Stockpile) D: 1.02058
Moving to next hop: <-68.4, -23.61727, 112.1>, T: None (Toxic Stockpile) D: 0.6472331
Moving to next hop: <-67.2, -23.88055, 115.2>, T: None (Toxic Stockpile) D: 3.36352
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Function GetHealth does not exist.
at ..[](Boolean , String , Object[] )
at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorObject.CallScript[T](Boolean hasReturnValue, String function, Object[] args)
at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_Health()
at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.get_IsDead()
at Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorNpc.get_IsLootable()
at Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.(TorNpc )
at System.Linq.Enumerable.<>c__DisplayClassf`1.<CombinePredicates>b__e(TSource x)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Buddy.CommonBot.DefaultLootTargetingProvider.GetObjectsByWeight()
at Buddy.CommonBot.Targeting.Pulse()
at Buddy.CommonBot.Logic.BrainBehavior.()[/COLOR]
[POI Set] Type: Kill
Killing Nexu Foreststalker with 100% health at 22.14 meters
[JoesCombat] Initiating Combat with Nexu Foreststalker InGroup: False My Spec: ShadowInfiltration
[JoesCombat] HP: 100.0 RS: 100.0 AC: 1 CTScale: 1.2 TD: 22.1 THP: 100.00 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 100.0 Casting Stealth
[JoesCombat] MoveTo: Nexu Foreststalker Moving to within 0.2 from dist of 2.2 current LOS: True
Generating path to <-68.24857, -23.86885, 116.8878>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to <-68.24857, -23.86885, 116.8878>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to <-68.24857, -23.86885, 116.8878>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to <-68.24857, -23.86885, 116.8878>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to <-68.24857, -23.86885, 116.8878>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to <-68.24857, -23.86885, 116.8878>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to <-68.24857, -23.86885, 116.8878>
Nav callback called.
Nav Service path generated.
Generated path to <-68.24857, -23.86885, 116.8878> () with 2 hops.
Moving to next hop: <-68.24857, -23.86885, 116.8878>, T: None () D: 2.213786
[JoesCombat] HP: 100.0 RS: 100.0 AC: 1 CTScale: 1.2 TD: 0.8 THP: 100.00 Comp: Qyzen Fess CHP: 100.0 Casting Force Breach
Start/Stop Button Clicked!
BotMain.Stop() called
Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
[JoesCombat] ***** Starting GC/Rehook *****
Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
Took 594ms to get the nodes list.
There are 96878 nodes.
DomList has 96967/98317
Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
_BaseClient handled.
utlStaticDefinitions handled.
strOracle handled.
gmOracle handled.
ablOracle handled.
Debug Draw Oracle added.
dbgDrawOracle handled.
mapOracle handled.
chrOracle handled.
qstOracle handled.
spnOracle handled.
cnvOracle handled.
ctlOracle handled.
_InputHandler handled.
Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
scSpaceCombatOracle handled.
guiApiGfx handled.
ablTrainerOracle handled.
prfOracle handled.
Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
Adding input layer ctlInputCamera - 3B9AEEB8
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputMouse - 3B9AEEC5
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputMovement - 3B9AEEC9
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputVehicle - 3B9AEEDE
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputTargetting - 3B9AEEED
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputGame - 3B9AEF10
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputUI - 3B9AEF6F
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputConvo - 3B9AEFA1
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputCharacterSelection - 3B9AEFB3
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputCreditsScreen - 3B9AEFB9
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputUtility - 3B9AEFBB
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputLoadingScreen - 3B9AEFC6
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputMacroBinoculars - 3B9AEFC8
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputSCFFVehicle - 3B9AEFD4
sysInputLayer handled.
Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
We slept way too long waiting for the bot thread to give control back. Aborting thread. Client may crash!
[Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot Stopped
Resetting force alignment settings.
QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
Resetting current behavior.
QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
Resetting current behavior.
Calling OnDone() on current behavior. UseObjectTag: X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0, ObjectName: Toxic Stockpile, Radius: 200, UseTimes: 1, UseRange: 0, WaitTime: 5, BlacklistDuration: 30, Hotspots: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Buddy.CommonBot.Profile.Hotspot], PlaceableNames: null, IgnoreLOS: False, IgnoreQuestRelation: False, Names: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String], Object: null, Position: <-75.82019, -21.81525, 150.2484>, QuestId: 16141013377107965023, BranchId: 1, StepId: 2, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: E0006625D159345F, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector,
[UseObject] Done
Error during NodeManager.Update()
Thread was being aborted.
at Buddy.Swtor.NodeManager.Update()
Bot Thread Aborted Thread was being aborted.