go into your Singular folder>class specific> Death knight> open the common.cs with word tab.
Delete everything in the upper half regarding death grip.
Should be this part:
[Context(WoWContext.Battlegrounds | WoWContext.Normal)]
public static Composite CreateDeathKnightNormalAndPvPPull()
new PrioritySelector(
new Sequence(
Spell.Cast("Death Grip",
ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.DistanceSqr > 10 * 10),
new DecoratorContinue(
ret => StyxWoW.Me.IsMoving,
new Action(ret => Navigator.PlayerMover.MoveStop())),
new WaitContinue(1, new ActionAlwaysSucceed())),
Spell.Cast("Howling Blast"),
Spell.Cast("Icy Touch"),
This will only remove it for Frost and Unholy.
If it still casts it, delete the second part for blood too.