I did the fresh install of HB and it didnt gave me that error it gave me before;
' [Compiler Error]: C:\Users\-Rui\Desktop\bot\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\Utility\Query_Database .cs(23,22) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Database' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx.CommonBot' (are you missing an assembly reference?) '
but intead after open HB it says:
Checking for Buddy Store products. This may take a while
I leaved the bot open doing it for like 15mints and it keeps that message and meanwhile gives this error:
Disconnected from the Buddy service. Trying to reconnect..
Reconnect 1 to Buddy service failed: Could not connect to the remote host. Retrying soon.
Successfully reconnected to the Buddy service.
And I can't run any service from the program, can't load profiles nor use BGBuddy etc...
I know you guys having alot of reports about bugs and trying to help out, I really apreciate the time u guys take to fix this bugs, hope u can help me out to get back to the good service I had before the update to HB3.
' [Compiler Error]: C:\Users\-Rui\Desktop\bot\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\Utility\Query_Database .cs(23,22) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Database' does not exist in the namespace 'Styx.CommonBot' (are you missing an assembly reference?) '
but intead after open HB it says:
Checking for Buddy Store products. This may take a while
I leaved the bot open doing it for like 15mints and it keeps that message and meanwhile gives this error:
Disconnected from the Buddy service. Trying to reconnect..
Reconnect 1 to Buddy service failed: Could not connect to the remote host. Retrying soon.
Successfully reconnected to the Buddy service.
And I can't run any service from the program, can't load profiles nor use BGBuddy etc...
I know you guys having alot of reports about bugs and trying to help out, I really apreciate the time u guys take to fix this bugs, hope u can help me out to get back to the good service I had before the update to HB3.