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Framelock Issues? FPS Internal Problem! Assistance Appreciated :D

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New Member
Sep 18, 2016
Framelock Issues causing Game-Client FPS drop? Could be Internal or External Problem. See below the steps taken to diagnose FPS drop issues....

Hi. I know guys are busy which is why I have spent countless hours since Legion Launch ciphering through the forums to trying different solutions to fix my problem, but I am making this post because all resolution steps from Forum members and devs have not worked and left me in the same state and sometimes even worse. So I felt the time to make my own thread was now acceptably necessary. I ONLY use Non-AFK bots and Combat Routines


When running Honorbuddy with "Any" Non-AFK Botbase and/or Combat Routine, FPS drops significantly from 90-120 fps (HB OFF/PAUSED/STOP) to 1-7 fps (HB ON/RESUME/START). This was tested through multiple series of combinations and pairings with different botbases and routines, in efforts to pinpoint an exact external problem. (i.e. Singular, Tunha, KingWow, Tunha, Millz with Combat Bot, Enyo, EliteCB, Raidbot, etc).

Significant FPS DROP was each test was conclusive.

Note: All routines and bots were updated and completely fresh reinstalled to ensure this.

Computer Specs: (Listed and reviewed to pinpoint problem dealing with computer performance issues)

OS: Windows 10 64bit
Display: 17.3 Full HD 1980x1080 res
Processor: 6th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-6700HQ
Memory: 12GB RAM
Hardware: 2 in 1 Hybrid 1TB Hardrive
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 965M

Note: All required system updates/drivers are installed and properly working outside of HB (ON/RESUME/START)

Tested Solutions: (No Change = FPS problem persists)
Fresh World of Warcraft Install with Fresh Honorbuddy Install (HB Installer) Result = No Change
Fresh World of Warcraft Install with Fresh Honorbuddy Install (HB Zip File) Result = No Change
Kept previous Installment of WoW with Fresh Update HB Install Result = No Change
Fresh WoW Install with Kept previous installment of HB Result = No Change

Note: Machine was completely Restarted with each new test.

Combat Bot w/ Singular
Enyo w/ ""
EliteCB w/ ""
LazyRaider w/ ""
HazzEnyo w/ ""
RaidBot w/ ""
Result = No change

Combat Bot w/ Tuanha (Legion Updated ONLY Routines. SVN Update Before Test)
Enyo w/ ""
EliteCB w/ ""
LazyRaider w/ ""
HazzEnyo w/ ""
RaidBot w/ ""
Result = No change

Combat Bot w/ KingWoW (Legion Updated Priest/Paladin/Shaman ONLY)
Enyo w/ ""
EliteCB w/ ""
LazyRaider w/ ""
HazzEnyo w/ ""
RaidBot w/ ""
Result = No change

Combat Bot w/ Millz CR ( Priest/Warlock/DemonHunter ONLY)
Enyo w/ ""
EliteCB w/ ""
LazyRaider w/ ""
HazzEnyo w/ ""
RaidBot w/ ""
Result = Slight Improvement with Combo Enyo/Millz-Priest for 20 mins
"" Slight Improvement with Combo HazzEnyo/ Millz-Priest for 10 mins
"" Slight Improvement with Combo CombatBot/Millz-ALL CR on target dummy in Ogrimmar (Testing Time: Underpopulated)

-DirectX- (AddedTo Pinpoint problem to DX).
Directx9 was completely reinstalled FULLY UPDATED
Directx11 was completely reinstalled FULLY UPDATED

In game settings. Client default setting Directx11 was switch to Directx9. Client Restarted. Result = No change
In game settings. Client default setting Directx9 was switch to Directx11. Client Restarted. Result = No change

-WoW & HB Folder-
Settings Folder Cleared
Cache Folder Cleared
WTF Folder Cleared
Result = No change

-Interfering Program-
No game recording software installed.
DirectX Overlay - Geforce Experience (a.k.a. Nvidia Experience)
Antivirus - McAfee

Both Geforce Experience (a.k.a. Nvidia Experience) & McAfee were disabled. Tested. Result = No change
Both Geforce Experience (a.k.a. Nvidia Experience) & McAfee were uninstalled. Tested. Result = No change
Both Geforce Experience (a.k.a. Nvidia Experience) & McAfee files were removed from Registry. Tested. Result = No change

(ALL ADDONS were turned off and removed from hardrive during test. to pinpoint issue leading to addon interference)
Note: Windows defender was disabled and removed before test. Confirmed

=> Spyware Scan done before tests initiated. Spyware was removed also before tests initiated. No Spyware Detected Confirmed
=> Malware Scan done before tests initiated with Malawarebytes Pro. No Malware Detected Confirmed.

Windows Updates Completed.
Background apps /services turned off through task Manager
World of Warcraft Set to Above Normal/High/Realtime Priority. HB Left at default. Result = No change
World of Warcraft Set to default. HB Set to Above Normal/High/Realtime Priority. Result = Worse. CRASHING DANGER!
WoW set to Above Normal/High/Realtime Priority w/ HB set to Above Normal/High/Realtime Priority. Result = No change

Settings now set to default with Status: NoChange

Dev Adivce
Followed previous advice from DEV Tony & Chinajade

Added StyxWoW.Overlay.Dispatcher.InvokeShutdown(); under Developers Tool => Console => Pasted in Scripts Line => Run. Result= No Change.

Below is Attachment of a Log where the Bot was at its worst in a 5 man group. Can upload any Logs of the above test. And/or can re run the test to give you updated Log.
Note: All Tests were completed multiple times since August 31st Legion Launch. Latest Test Below!!!


View attachment 10996 2016-09-22 09.06.txt


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we will check it!

Thankyou ahead of time Tony. Also wasn't sure if the developer tools trick that Chinajade suggested a while back was still relevant with HB3. But if there is any other codes/scripts that I could try in a test to see if it helps, I'm here and ready.

you're welcome

I know there could be a multitude of reasons why this problem persists. However, I am still going through more tests with different botbases/routines in order to provide you guys more detailed info on whats going on. I have saved all logs for each test that I can provide upon request. Tony is there anything off the top of you head, from your experience with FPS issues, that you could recommend I put in to my testing project :D (I can see how you guys can fall in love with this)

Eagerly awaiting solutions or more ways to test :D

looks like you covered all the possible combinations already,i will let you know about our findings
Can you please change your LOG settings in HB to "NONE" and give it a try again please?
Can you please change your LOG settings in HB to "NONE" and give it a try again please?

Hello BotOperator. Yes problem still persists. Even after changing log noise to quiet. Normally I set to none, if I am playing without the need to diagnose a problem. However, I still gave it the good ol' RETRY.

Test at:

Diagnostic Level - No Change
Verbose Level - No Change
Normal Level - Improvements? (Worked for 15 mins at 75 fps during Target Dummy area in Orgrimmar) *Kept Log for this one :D*
Quiet Level - No Change
None Level - Bot tries to communicate slightly faster. Result: 1-2 FPS until HB(OFF/PAUSED/STOP)

Note: Honorbuddy was not re-installed after each test. (*First test was after a fresh Install*) Honorbuddy was completely shutdown before testing at each level.

@BotOperator- Also tried saving all my Log files onto an external USB flash drive and cleared the log folder to see if that would net any improvement. Result = No Change
Will try more configurations and will research more in-depth on how log files could propose a problem with interfering FPS issues.



First off, Thanks for Reading and for the assistance! This sparked an interesting read for me. I decided to take a look at older forum posts to see how .NET Framework corruption affected FPS.
I still however, put your suggestion to the test :)

Re-Run .NET Installation Fresh = No Change
Kept installed UPDATED version. Let it repair itself. = Slight Improvement (Not sure if credit should go to .NET Installation Repair for this minor improvement)

I also took a look at old archived posts about .NET Installation to see what community developers had suggested.

In most of his responses when dealing with .NET Installation, Tony suggests making sure you OS is updated.
"This could be true since an "unpatched" OS can cause problems when installing .NET Framework" <= Post from ChinaJade

Steps tested from Archived Advice:
Ensured Windows Updated was 'ENABLED' on machine. Result = No Change
*TEST PURPOSE ONLY* Turned off Windows Update to compare. Result = Inconclusive

Earlier this year Chinajade harped on the fact that if this issue is indeed a .NET Installation problem then this cause is due to Windows Installation and Not Honorbuddy.
However, if the community Devs are still unable to find a solution to the problem, then I will start tests with trying different windows installations (i.e 7/8.1/10) to pinpoint if it is indeed a corrupted .NET Framework with each Microsoft supported OS.

Note: I highly doubt this could be an issue to .NET Framework since HB is communicating and scripting perfectly it is just the lost of FPS being minimized to around 1-7 FPS. HOWEVER I will still go through each to test to ensure this and will include you on each post if requested @Who75

@Who75 If you have any other suggestions or hypothesis let me know and I will put them to the test.

Thankyou all for going through this with me. Your assistance is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!

pm me your Skype plz


My skype is public!! I use it for anyone having questions for maximizing gameplay as Shaman and/or settings/config for their routine :D

Note: Name secured. Ran under my own VPN provider business - The LifeLock of Proxy servers <3 :D

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