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Fpsware Hunter


Community Developer
Jan 15, 2010

Logo created by Jvidia

Editted by Hawker on January 24 2012 to fix LOS issues.

This is a full spec CC. It has almost full support for all spec. This will work from level 1 to 85 and support almost all spells in between. I'm not going to list all the spells it uses, but you can be assured it is very extensive.

Bugs come standard with every model - free of charage. If you want any kind of support you MUST attach a fully log file. Don't cut'n'paste it into a post I'll simply delete it.

Installation instructions, the folder MUST be called Fpsware Hunter in your CustomClasses folder. If the folder already exists delete it first.

View attachment 13182

The above screenshot shows the default settings for the CC. You can change them to suit your specific needs. Not all spells have a UI setting, just because the spell is not listed on the UI does not mean it will not use it.

There are additional settings on the Advanced tab that, for the most part, you will not need to change. When I have more time I'll add some detail about each setting. But most of it is quite easy to understand.

Brief explanation of (some) settings:
Focus Shot: This is the focus level at which you will start using Steady Shot or Cobra Shot.
Pet Slot: Rather obvious, but this is the pet slot you will use. Make sure you actually have a valid pet in the slot.
Pet Attack Delay: If enabled the hunter will wait until the Pet and target are in combat before opening fire.
Focus Fire: Use Focus Fire when you have X stacks of Frenzy Effect on your pet. NB: There is also a setting on the Advanced tab; Consume Frenzy Effect (on by default) that will use Focus Fire if the Pet's Frenzy Effect is about to expire. Best to keep this up as frequently as possible.
Widow Venom: Really only useful in BGs.
Disengage: If not in a BG will attempt to cast Wing Clip before using Disengage, if you don't have enough focus it will just use Disengage. If you are in a BG it will not use Disengage if you can't cast Wing Clip.
Trap in Combat: Will only lay down the chosen trap if they target is within interact range.
Trap on Adds: Will lay down the chosen trap as soon as you have adds regardless of range.
Trap Launcher: Will cast the trap as soon as possible when you enter combat.
Continuous Pulling: Located on the Advanced Tab,(off by default) this will send your pet to attack the closest most suitable target (and cast Hunter's Mark is your options allow) while you are moving to loot your last mob. The conditions of this are: you & your pet don't need healing, the mob is within your pull range and you have mobs to loot. The following issues will happen if this is turned on; you will occasionally skip looting a mob, you will constantly be in combat. It is strongly recommended this setting only be used if you are GRINDING, if you are questing this will cause problems. NB: This feature is NOT multi-mob pulling!

The default settings make some assumptions:
1. You have Glyph of Mend Pet. If you do not them simply change the Pet Happiness setting on the Advanced tab, select ignore from the list.
2. The settings are optomised for Beast Mastery spec. If you are using any other spec you WILL need to tweak the settings to be more efficent with your spec.

1. Misdirection settings has NOT been tested! As my only hunter is level 50 (due to lost accounts) I have not been able to test this feature.
2. Do not attempt to show the UI if HB is not started, it will give an error.


Q: Why do I need to attach a log file?
A: the log file contains considerably more information than you are able to provide me.

Q: I have cut-and-paste the important part is that enough?
A: No! Simply cutting and pasting a partial log file is absolutely useless I need the full log file.

Q: What if I don't want to provide a log file?
A: I will delete your post and ignore all future posts.

Q: Can I modify this CC and redistribute it?
A: No.

Q: I have fixed a bug in your code can I post it here?
A: No. Send me a private message, I don't want any code posted in this thread.

Q: Why does it not feed my pet?
A: I do not support Feed Pet. If you want a happy pet use the Glyph of Mend Pet. Yes, I know you don't get glyphs until level 25, so you pet will be unhappy for a few levels it makes no difference.

[29 08 2011]
Plenty of bug fixes and tweaks.
Changed: Small rotation tweak, most people won't notice any difference.
Fixed: Line of sight issue when moving to get range. Will now check LoS from the target's location instead of your locaiton.

[07 06 2011]
Fixed: Cobra / Steady Shot. Will now cast Steady Shot insteady of Cobra Shot (only for MM spec)
Fixed: Improved Steady Shot buff. Will cast Steady Shot until you have the speed increase buff (only for MM spec)
Added: Fire! Proc. Free Aimed Shot (only for MM spec)

[18 02 2011]
FIXED: PVP / Battlegrounds pulling pet delay
CHANGED: Various tweaks during pull
CHANGED: Various tweaks during combat

[18 12 2010]
ADDED: Continuous Pulling feature. See above for comments.

[18 12 2010]
FIXED: Bestial Wrath - I broke it a while ago.
FIXED: Health Potions now works - I broke it a while ago.
FIXED: Feign Death now works - I broke it a while ago.
FIXED: Melee range bug, completely rewritten. Now uses the target's interact range
FIXED: Hunter not selecting a target when in combat on rare occasions
ADDED: Focus Fire, setting in the UI
ADDED: Support for multiple pets, select the Call Pet slot you want to use
ADDED: Pet attack delay option added to the UI
ADDED: Disengage option added to the UI
ADDED: Misdirection added, setting in the UI
ADDED: Hunter's Mark option added to the UI
ADDED: Feign Death on aggro or low heatlh
ADDED: Widow Venom, setting in the UI
ADDED: Chimera Shot option added in UI
ADDED: Trap Launcher, setting in the UI
ADDED: Pet Happiness option added in the UI
ADDED: Aimed and Arcane Shot now have focus usage settings in the UI
ADDED: The ability to consume Pet's Frenzy Effect with Focus Fire, if the buff is about to expire it will cast Focus Fire, setting in the UI
CHANGED: Order of most spells changed and reprioritised
CHANGED: Many many other things I've not mentioned
CHANGED: The level of happiness at which you cast Mend Pet
CHANGED: The speed of which the hunter will select a target when aggrod
CHANGED: Trap Launcher is more efficent and there is less delay when using it

Spells not yet supported (but likely to be added):
Scatter Shot
Tranquillizing Shot
Master's Call
Aspect of the Fox
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WARNING: I've made some changes in the last 30 minutes that I have not tested. It may not even load. That is all.


It does NOT feed the pet. Infact, it does not have any pet happiness checking.
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Trying it now on an 80 hunter.

Edit: Very, very nice. Works great on my MM Hunter. Although the delay between pet attack and hunter attack seems to carry over into PvP. I don't know if it's intended or not but it's kind of pointless to have it in PvP.
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Working pretty good on level 48 hunter using IB, Multishot on adds would be nice, and it uses Steadyshot a bit to much for a MM rotation anway when you say its been used on a hunter all the way for from level 1 using best spec...what spec do you mean?
I'm currently testing the hunter in an instance with IB. There are a few issues I need to address asap, primarily line of sight and rotation.
I've got a new build to upload in the next hour, there are many bug fixes and changes.
Working pretty good on level 48 hunter using IB, Multishot on adds would be nice, and it uses Steadyshot a bit to much for a MM rotation anway when you say its been used on a hunter all the way for from level 1 using best spec...what spec do you mean?

Steady Shot stack up 5x to make instant Aimed Shot and Chimera Shot i think.

Maybe that's the point.
Just making some final changes now, its been greatly optomised for use with IB. Much more frequent use of Multi-Shot, no longer casting Hunter's Mark as this was slowing things down. LOS checking, will move towards the target until it gets LOS. Uses Forvor if you have adds or are in an instance.
Just making some final changes now, its been greatly optomised for use with IB. Much more frequent use of Multi-Shot, no longer casting Hunter's Mark as this was slowing things down. LOS checking, will move towards the target until it gets LOS. Uses Forvor if you have adds or are in an instance.

Fast as Always 0.0 keep up the great work.

P.S is this a 4.0.1 tester for the Zeus suit?
Instantly crashes HB as i click the startbutton

Does not matter if i have the default hunter folder present or not.

part of log.

[08:45:03:749] Compiling C:\HB3120\CustomClasses\Default Mage
[08:45:04:4] Compiling C:\HB3120\CustomClasses\Default Paladin
[08:45:04:285] Compiling C:\HB3120\CustomClasses\Default Priest
[08:45:04:479] Compiling C:\HB3120\CustomClasses\Default Rogue
[08:45:04:685] Compiling C:\HB3120\CustomClasses\Default Shaman
[08:45:05:52] Compiling C:\HB3120\CustomClasses\Default Warlock
[08:45:05:293] Compiling C:\HB3120\CustomClasses\Default Warrior
[08:45:05:735] Compiling C:\HB3120\CustomClasses\Fpsware Hunter
[08:45:06:286] You are a level 51 Marksmanship Hunter
[08:45:06:287] Loading settings ...
[08:45:06:289] Loading settings from the config file...
[08:45:06:290] **********************************************************************
[08:45:06:290] Exception in XML Load: Det gick inte att hitta en del av s?kv?gen C:\HB3120\CustomClasses\Default Hunter\Class Specific\Config\Settings.xml.
[08:45:06:290] -- Attempted to read: NO KEY READ YET
[08:45:06:290] **********************************************************************
[08:45:06:292] Settings loaded
[08:45:37:880] Warning: 'Factions' has been moved to the 'GrindArea'. Please reflect this change in your profiles.
[08:45:37:895] Changing current profile to Empty Profile
[08:45:37:897] [Instancebuddy v2.0.2.1]:Loaded any empty profile since you haven't loaded one.
[08:45:38:675] [Instancebuddy v2.0.2.1]:Checking for script updates...
[08:45:38:873] Chose Fpsware Hunter(0.0.1) by Fpsware as your combat class!
[08:45:38:873] Creating 'Rest' behavior
[08:45:38:874] Creating 'Pull' behavior
[08:45:38:877] Creating 'Heal' behavior
[08:45:38:878] Creating 'Combat' behavior
[08:45:39:224] Loaded new tiled mesh for map "Kalimdor".
[08:45:39:246] Cleared POI
[08:45:39:286] Pull Max Distance set to 40
[08:45:39:286] Pull Min Distance set to 38
[08:45:40:99] Loading settings ...
[08:45:40:99] Loading settings from the config file...
[08:45:40:100] **********************************************************************
[08:45:40:100] Exception in XML Load: Det gick inte att hitta en del av s?kv?gen C:\HB3120\CustomClasses\Default Hunter\Class Specific\Config\Settings.xml.
[08:45:40:100] -- Attempted to read: NO KEY READ YET
[08:45:40:100] **********************************************************************
[08:45:40:100] Settings have been updated with your changes
[08:45:41:922] [Instancebuddy v2.0.2.1]:All scripts are up-to-date.