Hi, just wondering if this is an issue you guys are looking into or am I missing something? I've been using HB for years now and nothing like this has happened before.
Running usual Bot+CR (Enyo+Tuanha) last week or 2, not sure when it started, when bot is attacking the FPS is fine 160+, when it moves itself if I've let it do so in the CR, FPS is fine.
When I manually move the bot while Enyo is running (not paused, CR attacking) it just drops harder than a drunk fat man, not 20-30fps but like 110.
I know the Bot takes some FPS due to TPS which I have mine set at 30 (tried 10/15/50/100 all same), not a problem, but when manually moving (WASD) the FPS drop and stutter kicks in.
i7 6700K
16GB DDR4 3000
SSDx3 Raid 0
GTX 980 Windforce
Win 10 Ent x64
Test with:
Addons - no change
No addons - no change
Fresh reinstall WoW+HB+bot+CR - no change
Also, this is all on a fresh install of Win 10 x64, like all drivers installed and WoW downloaded and run, there is no 3rd party applications whatsoever.
I also noticed that the Mesh path in HB is empty, not sure if that is anything but I do remember it used to be pathed to a DIR. But I as I heard HB was vector based now it doesnt matter and should be empty? Not sure if that's right or not.
Running usual Bot+CR (Enyo+Tuanha) last week or 2, not sure when it started, when bot is attacking the FPS is fine 160+, when it moves itself if I've let it do so in the CR, FPS is fine.
When I manually move the bot while Enyo is running (not paused, CR attacking) it just drops harder than a drunk fat man, not 20-30fps but like 110.
I know the Bot takes some FPS due to TPS which I have mine set at 30 (tried 10/15/50/100 all same), not a problem, but when manually moving (WASD) the FPS drop and stutter kicks in.
i7 6700K
16GB DDR4 3000
SSDx3 Raid 0
GTX 980 Windforce
Win 10 Ent x64
Test with:
Addons - no change
No addons - no change
Fresh reinstall WoW+HB+bot+CR - no change
Also, this is all on a fresh install of Win 10 x64, like all drivers installed and WoW downloaded and run, there is no 3rd party applications whatsoever.
I also noticed that the Mesh path in HB is empty, not sure if that is anything but I do remember it used to be pathed to a DIR. But I as I heard HB was vector based now it doesnt matter and should be empty? Not sure if that's right or not.