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Former GM answers questions about WOW.


New Member
Feb 24, 2010
I stumbled upon this thread on mmo-owned some time ago and thought i might share it with you guys.
Dunno if it exists here already, didnt find any when i searched for it, but if that is the case please close it.

mmo-owned thread: Former gamemaster answers a question about botting.

source: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/u5y2d/iama_former_blizzard_customer_service/c4slau3

Proof that he actually is a gamemaster: http://imgur.com/XKx6Q

How is that image proof? onya comments on IAMA former Blizzard customer service representative for WoW aka Gamemaster. AMAA

I dont know if this is true or not, you can make up your mind if you want to believe it or not. Im just the messenger and this post is basically a copy of the one on MMO-owned.
All credit goes to whoever deserve it.

The highlights that we are intrested in is this:

Originally Posted by DNAW

I used to bot a lot, like 4-8 different accounts running all the time when I wasn't playing myself. Everyone that knew me, knew about this. I never hid it from anyone, we talked about it openly, even in the guild. The only rule was to never call it "botting", but "piping" (came from a long joke, w/e).Anyway, this lasted for atleast 2 years where this word was so common and I made barely any attempts to hide my botting habits, yet I've never been caught, at all.
So my question: Do you actually read any of the chat of players you suspect to be botting?

Originally Posted by Gamemaster
No. This is all done by scripts. We never read chats unless it's about harassment.

Originally Posted by Reply
That kind of makes me sad. I supported my guild (3rd on server) by botting and making massive amounts of gold to buy stuff for raids and the like. I thought I was being sneaky too

Originally Posted by Gamemaster
Most GMs just don't give that much of a **** about it. It's just a job afterall. No reason to throw you sanity away for that.

Originally Posted by Reply
So reporting people for botting is just useless because GM's don't actually look at them?

Originally Posted by Gamemaster
We do add them to a list that is checked daily. The script will check out bots based on that list, so reporting isn't usless.

I was going to post this when i saw it on Reddit, but i was lazy. :P thank you good sir.
What does this actually mean then, I gathered that he's a game master or something but I don't follow.

Sorry I don't catch on quite fast, lmfao =)


I caught on, I see. Cant believe they don't even like check the players and stuff, be awesome if he had msn=(
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What does this actually mean then, I gathered that he's a game master or something but I don't follow.

Sorry I don't catch on quite fast, lmfao =)

I caught on, I see. Cant believe they don't even like check the players and stuff, be awesome if he had msn=(
Lets for fun assume all he says are true, i will try and keep this simple as i can, assume you are not native english speaker and might have some trouble with the language. If you feel offended by this, sorry, but i try my best.

One thing he is asked is why Blizzard dont enforce RP rules harder on RP realms. (roleplayings-realms). He states that it is needed somewhere around 300 GM?s to oversee a single RP-realm event. For example a certain festival or event or similar.
He then states that there is no where near 300 GM?s employed in the EU realms, He also states that the GM?s employed by Blizzard in EU doesnt have the manpower to employ some of the rules Blizzard wants to, For example namerules, offensive languge and of course bots. It is all done by either player-reports or by scripts. From what i understand, 80% of thier worktime is dedicated to hacked accounts.

Now, if we ASSUME alot of things for example, for instance, all he says are true which it might not be.

But, anyways, then it would mean that most bot-bans are a result of player reports, AND by breaking the scripts rules.
IF you get reported, stay low and the script might not notice you.

All this time we tried to beat the "smart system", turns out the system isnt so smart after all.
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Apologies, but I'm from the United Kingdom it's self so my English is very strong obviously, and I really don't see why what you said would offend me I mean, if I didn't understand what you was saying due to the fact my English was not strong, it wouldn't bother me anyways mate =)

Any how, when I first looked at this thread I didn't thoroughly read it, and check the links. When I had a thorough look it made sense, because before I didn't read it, hence the reason I stated I caught on :)
Apologies, but I'm from the United Kingdom it's self so my English is very strong obviously, and I really don't see why what you said would offend me I mean, if I didn't understand what you was saying due to the fact my English was not strong, it wouldn't bother me anyways mate =)

Anyhow, when I first looked at this thread I didn't thoroughly read it, and check the links. When I had a thorough look it made sense, because before I didn't read it, hence the reason I stated I caught on :)

Dude, whatever, lets just say that we are hombres ok? Lets not go into other subjects about anythings, anyways either im bad at english or there is someting else is not right.
As the almighty Ralph once said, "I fail english, it is unpossible,"
And no, i dont wanna go in to any dogfight about language or similarl.

Ralph Wiggum Fails English - YouTube