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"I have a bicycle and a car, should I drop the bicycle and get a truck for more transport efficiency"
It totally depends! Depends on your server, the prices on AH, and as such the demand of the market. It depends on how many people need skinning mats or mining mats. It depends on how you measure 'efficiency'.
There's no simple answer to that question.
Although, everything David said was true, most likely mining will be more profitable, but skinning is less noticed, less-farmed 'nodes', and you can still make money. So unless your farming up those G's for a reason, skinning should do decent for your needs.
While david does have a point in terms of server resale value, when it comes to the actual profiles he is off the mark.
Most herbing profiles, and I use the "most" here, combined similar pathes for herbing/mining and more often than not they are actually combined pathes with little to no mob interaction. So your skinning haul would be low.
So yes you would benefit in your overall "haul of mats" if you herb and mine on one bot.
And only you would know if those ore are worth more then the leather.