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For all those banned accounts


New Member
Sep 24, 2011
I just wanted to touch base for all those people that are getting banned. Im in now way exsperianced but i have been using for over 3 years and only lost 2 accounts due to my own stupidity. First off the main reasons you are getting banned or will get banned are 1. botting for over 6-8 hours at a time. the reason for this is that other botters know the paths and get really greedy if you are in the same area too long taking all there farm. 2. BG botting for too long or dungeon botting which is how i lost my last account recently. Please read this and understand im not telling you what to do simply helping you out dont bot over 6 hours and dont use your bot on a main account. dont bg bot for too long and always be watching all it takes is 1 fucking person to be a asshole and report you and they will bann you for good. Remember every person for them selfs i wouldnt of said this until i lost 2 of my own account that i raided on and this is because other botters aree assholes and dont like to share so if you run into another bot report his ass and move to another area. like i said i hate to say that but this is one of the biggerst reasons you get caught.
"so if you run into another bot report his ass and move to another area" i dont agree with that, you bot so you should accept that also other people botting, being selfish sucks. Acceptancy is really important when we do something that is against the World of Warcraft rules... I agree with "1. botting for over 6-8 hours at a time" makes the whole thing risky, but definitely it doesnt mean that you'll get banned if you bot 24/7. Imo the safiest is to bot for 4-6hours then make 2hours break and then start again. Respect everyone - people who bot and people who doesnt, these are choices. You dont like when you get reported and bothered, so dont bother others ass also.

I agree with the guy above me. We're all in this for the same reason, some more than others. Wether it just be to get x amount of gold to fund raiding, for fun, or even a fulltime job, there's no reason to report your fellow brethren for doing exactly as you. I'm not going to be misses white knight but it just seems a little ironic don't cha think :P! One of the good methods i found (but stopped doing because I got greedy years ago) was bot for 5-6 hours, stop, and bot another account or another character while that one "rested" so to speak. It worked like a charm up until I started going 24/7 like an idiot
Reporting other botters like your self is against the rules im pretty sure. It is kinda sad too, and if you think others are greedy then find your own methods of making money and keep it to your self!
I hope HB strips your codes and bans you... Its douchebags like you who get the rest of us banned.
Indeed. Why report?

a) You're still drawing attention to yourself if a smart GM sees you ... ("yes but how did he KNOW that was a bot just by the route?")

b) In BGs ... bot vs. bot? Please. Be glad. When you're bored enough you can go play for REAL and then you can have fun crushing the obvious (like with the new heat map feature coming out ... you'll pretty KNOW that the botters won't bother you at lesser objectives)

c) Gathering/AH ... yeah, I get it. Greedy fuckers are going to want it all to themselves. But the more other bots there are out there ... the more "normal" those patterns seem to non-botters ... and the less likely it is that YOU get nailed for using it. (oh and ... go make your own profile if you care, as there are definitely spots that are ignored by some of the more popular profiles).

d) Quest botting ... why would you report this? I actually usually try to send them a gentle tell and pretend I think they must be not paying attention due to TV or kids or whatnot when I see someone obviously stuck while quest botting so that if they have their sound up or a plugin they might get the extra BZZZT! before someone who cares DOES spot them.

... The only reason to report Questing at all would be you are assuming they are going to be leveling a bot for competition in gathering. Believe it or not ... some of us JUST hate Questing.

If you report for any of these reasons, you fall into the category of "greedy fucker". The only reason I DON'T hope HB strips your codes is because you'll then just go on a rampage, buy another bot and report even more people who bot while never posting here again.

I -do- wish HB would find your server and toon name by matching your forum ID with your bot login and make a way to let us know who you are without you seeing the post. I know it will never happen, but that would be my dream. Since it won't happen, just realize that anyone who reports other botters purely because they see bot behavior that they know is a bot because THEY use a bot are hypocrites and deserve it when their ban finally hits them. May they have many accounts and all of them caught at the same time.
Unfortunatly alot of botter do report botters I know this for a fact I stopped using HB a few weeks back now due to this everytime I logged on the same people constantly giving me the old "reported for botting" shit but then I would see them doing excatly what they are reporting me for. Now at first I thought whatever and even told them I knew for a fact they were botting and if and only if I was banned I would report them too.
I only use HB now for combat and thats it the server I am on is full of Ahole botters who dont like other people making competition for them, So i guess they have won as I do all my farming by hand again now which means I'm not able to fund my other accounts to run and test stuff. oh well shit happens I guess.
I had a "fun" chat with a guy who reported me today and he said that he knows almost all the flying patterns of all bots. Now go figure how he knew that...
Clearly almost all of you didn't get the message I was sending. I clearly state that other botters will report you. This is going to happen anywhere you go because there are too many greedy people out there and if you are botting and they are also your taking possible farm away from them. I don't believe in this but it happens this is the real only way you loose your account. Think about it if you bot 24/7 you are not giving other botters a chance to farm. All im clearly saying is watch your botting and if you see another botter you have 1 of 2 choices either report him and have his account banned within a week or get the fuck out of there because I bet my bottom dollar one of the 2 people will report each other. Don't be stupid to all you ass holes that think what I said is bad it happens more then you think and there is even post on here of retards saying if they run into a fellow botter they will report just for the sake of doing it so don't be so stupid play smart and be extra carful when you see other botters. When I run into one I run the other way but its up to you.
I'm not sure how many botters actually report other botters. I for one know that if you report an account for botting it flags their account and yours and moving to another area doesn't do shit if you get flagged. The GMs know where you live.
I'm not sure how many botters actually report other botters. I for one know that if you report an account for botting it flags their account and yours and moving to another area doesn't do shit if you get flagged. The GMs know where you live.
Even if you want to be an asshole and report others, you shouldnt do that because your account get for investigation.