No problems - I am doing it for my own good, though.. A fix of this bug would increase my harvest amount a lot!thx for reporting
I am still having this bug. I don't assume it will take long to fix, and since you have released several builds since I posted this for the first time (and still haven't fixed this bug), I am bumping this.This is a great profile!
I do have one issue, though..
GB does not seem to detect any "Frozen Herbs" or "Grave Moss" in the black zone (on your map-drawing). Therefore, it does not pick them up. Note that the names of the herbs are hyperlinks to the WoWHead pages specific to the objects I am referring to.
I am on a lvl 82 rogue with Herbalism lvl 522.
I am still having this bug. I don't assume it will take long to fix, and since you have released several builds since I posted this for the first time (and still haven't fixed this bug), I am bumping this.
Thanks, bud - it's appreciated.Hmm..itseems that Hawker forgot to add it in the database
i will forward it to him again
This is a great profile!
I do have one issue, though..
GB does not seem to detect any "Frozen Herbs" or "Grave Moss" in the black zone (on your map-drawing). Therefore, it does not pick them up. Note that the names of the herbs are hyperlinks to the WoWHead pages specific to the objects I am referring to.
I am on a lvl 82 rogue with Herbalism lvl 522.
Nice Prof Tony, this profile was money! I don't know if it was because no one was farming this but It seemed like there was a mageroyal every 5 seconds of flying (exactly what I needed for my alchemy) I am going to get pics gathered together shortly of my full runs using your profiles only so far.. Started at level 1 Herbalism and now I am 145 and that all happened in 1hr 30minutes of using your profiles
I seem to have the problem where i load the profile, i have gatherbuddy 2 setup and when i hit start says :
Unknown tag "Waypoint" (Input: "<Waypoint>-769.6666 -142.9559 48.59481</Waypoint>") in "GlideProfile"!
Unknown tag "Waypoint" (Input: "<Waypoint>-831.3987 -73.72995 47.56411</Waypoint>") in "GlideProfile"!
Unknown tag "Waypoint" (Input: "<Waypoint>-894.4152 -49.45505 42.56976</Waypoint>") in "GlideProfile"!
Changing current profile to level 1 - 80
etc etc can you elaborate on this?
does this profile still works?