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[Fly][N-QB] Sporeggar Questline[Maffyx]


Active Member
Feb 13, 2010

Hello Everyone,

I felt like making a quick profile for this faction, my goal is to make one for all the Neutral Burning Crusade factions.

Bot to Use: Questing
Location: Zangarmarsh (Outlands) - Launch from anywhere and it will move to the proper location.
Rep gained: Sporeggar
Repair: Yes
Mailbox: Yes
Quests: Yes
AFK: 100% - Should be able to get exalted in less than a day.

Requirements: At least level 70 with flying, faster mounts will make this profile go quicker.

What It Does: Gets exalted with the Sporeggar faction.


Gets faction to exalted, no dungeons needed

Does all the quests leading up to the dailies and getting friendly, after hitting friendly he'll do a few more quests then do a repeatable quest until exalted.


If you used Kicks profile to level through outlands there is a good chance a few of the quests are already done, they're listed below. If not it will do them for you.

Natural Enemies
Fertile Spores
Glowcap Mushrooms
Now that we're friends...
The Sporelings Plight

You may want to get a loot filter option, lots of grey trash drops that will slow the profile down.

Known bugs: When doing the last quest the character will sometimes target underwater mobs, sometimes it will kill them sometimes it won't, haven't figured out how to avoid this. I've put in custom locations to help navigate around this issue so it shouldn't happen often. (Hopefully this is fixed with the reuploaded version)


I updated the profile to include blackspots and closed the interact with range so it shouldn't target the mobs underwater.

1.1: Thanks to DrStrider's testing I've changed out the profile interacts with the mobs, I've not tested this new version so it may still be buggy.
1.2: Modified the targeting a little more, should look more natural as well as updated some of the reputation level quests where it would try to pick up quests outside of the reputation level.

Credits to:

EchoTiger/Ayzul for Navigation to Outland

And of course any comments or constructive feedback is appreciated! Thank you for using my profile!
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I'm going to give this a try soon. Just a few questions for you, how long did it take to write this profile? What experience if any did you have before you started writing HB profiles?
Hey there,

I went ahead and attempted to run this on a character that is revered. Your profile automatically put me on the "Now that we're still friends" Quest. So far so good. I started this on a warlock with the Singular routine. For some reason the bot attempts to walk into melee range of each individual mob and try to use melee attacks first. Only after being in combat does it start to cast spells.

There's also an issue with the water, just like you mentioned. When the profile targets underwater mobs HB just gets stuck right on the surface with the flying mount and can't seem to go under. From here this usually causes a disconnect. Not sure what to do from there.

I'm honestly not sure if either of these things are related to your profile, the only reason I mention them is because I have never encountered anything like it before.
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I'm going to give this a try soon. Just a few questions for you, how long did it take to write this profile? What experience if any did you have before you started writing HB profiles?

I actually was able to do this one in a day, and I guessed on some of the quests leading up to being friendly since my character had already completed them using kicks' profiles. But I tested the ones I hadn't completed. I have a little bit of an amateur coding background and was looking for some specific ones that I wanted but couldn't find them. That led me to look at how they were structured and how I could use them for my needs. From there I searched the forums on resources on how to build them and what goes into them. I will probably write up a guide on how to write at least questing profiles sometime before the end of the month.

Hey there,

I went ahead and attempted to run this on a character that is revered. Your profile automatically put me on the "Now that we're still friends" Quest. So far so good. I started this on a warlock with the Singular routine. For some reason the bot attempts to walk into melee range of each individual mob and try to use melee attacks first. Only after being in combat does it start to cast spells.

There's also an issue with the water, just like you mentioned. When the profile targets underwater mobs HB just gets stuck right on the surface with the flying mount and can't seem to go under. From here this usually causes a disconnect. Not sure what to do from there.

I'm honestly not sure if either of these things are related to your profile, the only reason I mention them is because I have never encountered anything like it before.

Thanks for testing the profile out. As for the ranging problem on the Warlock it sounds more like a CC issue than the profile. I don't have any range parameters set so it should just pull its normal range. For the water issue it is almost certainly the profile. I think I need to add blackspots to the water areas so it doesn't bother with them. Thank you for the feedback though, I'll try and correct at least the water one today.
Profile has been updated to blackspot the water areas and I detailed in the interactwith ranges so that it shouldn't target the underwater mobs either.
Profile has been updated to blackspot the water areas and I detailed in the interactwith ranges so that it shouldn't target the underwater mobs either.

I'll give it another go in an hour or so with a different CR and report back to you.
Profile has been updated to blackspot the water areas and I detailed in the interactwith ranges so that it shouldn't target the underwater mobs either.

Hey so, update. I figured out what was going on with the combat Routine. So the following lines from your profile: 724, 700, 661, 637, are all "CustomBehavior" lines regarding the mobs being farmed for the "Now that we're still friends" quest. You had the custom behavior set to "InteractWith", which seems like it was trying to walk up and talk to the hostile mobs like they had a speech dialogue or quest to give. Since this was right clicking them, it made it seem as if my character was trying to melee everything to death and ignore the combat routine. However, as soon as combat started the combat routine would kick in, problem is most of these mobs are one shot by a melee attack from a level 100.

To try and fix this I changed each of the "Interactwith" commands on those lines to "KillUntilComplete" and the profile started murdering everything like it should. This caused another issue though, it seems the profile is no longer checking to see if the quest is complete, but I believe you could tie that into the KillUntilComplete command somehow. Unfortunately that's a bit too advanced for me. From what I could find on google it seems like the "KillUntilComplete" command is supposed to be used on quests where you kill a certain number of mobs.

Anyway, out of the respect for your profile, and since I have mostly no idea what I am doing, I will upload a parse of the edit I made, and not a complete profile.

From Line 637
<CustomBehavior File="KillUntilComplete"  MobId="18089" MobState="Alive" NumOfTimes="1" AttemptCountMax="1" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" CollectionDistance="25" MinRange="7">
					<HuntingGrounds  WaypointVisitStrategy="Random">

The only other issue I can see with this profile is it seems to run past mobs arbitrarily, even though they are mobs targeted within your MobId lines.
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Hey so, update. I figured out what was going on with the combat Routine. So the following lines from your profile: 724, 700, 661, 637, are all "CustomBehavior" lines regarding the mobs being farmed for the "Now that we're still friends" quest. You had the custom behavior set to "InteractWith", which seems like it was trying to walk up and talk to the hostile mobs like they had a speech dialogue or quest to give. Since this was right clicking them, it made it seem as if my character was trying to melee everything to death and ignore the combat routine. However, as soon as combat started the combat routine would kick in, problem is most of these mobs are one shot by a melee attack from a level 100.

To try and fix this I changed each of the "Interactwith" commands on those lines to "KillUntilComplete" and the profile started murdering everything like it should. This caused another issue though, it seems the profile is no longer checking to see if the quest is complete, but I believe you could tie that into the KillUntilComplete command somehow. Unfortunately that's a bit too advanced for me. From what I could find on google it seems like the "KillUntilComplete" command is supposed to be used on quests where you kill a certain number of mobs.

Anyway, out of the respect for your profile, and since I have mostly no idea what I am doing, I will upload a parse of the edit I made, and not a complete profile.

From Line 637
<CustomBehavior File="KillUntilComplete"  MobId="18089" MobState="Alive" NumOfTimes="1" AttemptCountMax="1" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" CollectionDistance="25" MinRange="7">
                    <HuntingGrounds  WaypointVisitStrategy="Random">

The only other issue I can see with this profile is it seems to run past mobs arbitrarily, even though they are mobs targeted within your MobId lines.

Thanks again for testing this profile, that seems like it would be a better method to use to kill them. I should be able to loop that in the same parameters. As for it being arbitrary, I have it set to target and kill the first 12 mobs per the first objective then switch to killing the 6 mobs for the second objective. I'm still learning how to use these quest behaviors as well and don't always know the capabilities of some of them, so I'll have to go back and rewrite a few of them to include this. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Edit: I edited and re-uploaded the new profile, let me know if that works better. Thanks again!
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