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[Fly][N-QB] Ogri'la Questline [Maffyx]


Active Member
Feb 13, 2010

Hello Everyone,

I felt like making a quick profile for this faction, my goal is to make one for all the Neutral Burning Crusade factions.

Bot to Use: Questing
Location: Blades Edge Mountains - Ogri'la (Outlands) - Launch from anywhere and it will move to the proper location.
Rep gained: Ogri'la
Repair: Yes
Mailbox: No
Quests: Yes
AFK: 100% - Should be pretty stable
Bugs: None that I know of!

Requirements: At least level 70 with flying, higher levels will make this profile go quicker.


  • Can be started anywhere, flies to Chort in Blades Edge Mountains to start the questline.
  • Does the questline including the 5 group quests to unlock Ogri'la dailies.
  • Will gain some rep with Sha'tari Skyguard/ unlock their faction


  • Starts with this questline: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=10989/mogdorg-the-wizened
  • This profile skips the simon says game related quests unless someone decides to make a plugin or quest behavior to do it.
  • The last quests Banish The Demons and Banish More Demons will take a little while due to the nature of the quest, they'll take at least 15 minutes each since we have to wait for the quest item cooldown.
  • Since there is no repeatable or grindable way to complete this rep, you will have to run this profile over every day until you get to exalted.

Instructions: Load profile and hit start :)



  • Tweaked the interaction range for the nether rays so it doesn't try and grab the higher flying ones and look botlike
  • Extended the range on the bombing run interactions so it has a less chance of being disrupted by flak and being dismounted by mobs. It doesn't necessarily fly higher but will be further out when it uses the bombs.
  • Modified the pickup sequence so it picks up the two dailies first then does them before trying to turn them in
  • Modified a few other minor things

Credits to:

EchoTiger/Ayzul for Navigation to Outland

And of course any comments or constructive feedback is appreciated! Thank you for using my profile!

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I think i can speak for all of us, u are a Hero. These Ogrialla Daylis are so annoying...

Excellent start. Quick feedback:

- Accept all dailies at once (it does them one at a time, which adds a minute or two of travel time I think)
- Bomb higher on bombing daily (it aggros a lot of mobs)
- Avoid Aether Rays on wrangling quest if they're too high (it keeps mounting up awkwardly, looks very botlike)
- Gather up a bunch of demons for portal quest (it seems to wait for them to come by, which takes forever)
- Consider support for The Relic's Emanation, though I'm assuming that's a pipe dream.
Excellent start. Quick feedback:

- Accept all dailies at once (it does them one at a time, which adds a minute or two of travel time I think)
- Bomb higher on bombing daily (it aggros a lot of mobs)
- Avoid Aether Rays on wrangling quest if they're too high (it keeps mounting up awkwardly, looks very botlike)
- Gather up a bunch of demons for portal quest (it seems to wait for them to come by, which takes forever)
- Consider support for The Relic's Emanation, though I'm assuming that's a pipe dream.

Hello, thanks for using the profile.

1. Yeah I should do that, I'll rework it to pick them all at once.
2. I'll look into the range that we can bomb at, it may be limited by the item, but I'll try to set it higher. I've not had a problem with this quest.
3. Again i'll adjust the range for this
4. This quest is particularly hard to code for, I could do something like that but it would have a static area that it would run around in to pick up the mobs and kill them, this would then require them to respawn, the method I have will be slower but will have more of a guarantee.
5. Support for this would really require a plugin or a quest behavior, I did a little bit of research into this as well as have talked to other developers about it. Unfortunately that's a little out of my range of capabilities. I realize that there is lost rep by not doing these but at the moment I don't have a way to implement it.
Updated the profile and uploaded the new version, as well as posted the changelog. hopefully this will work better.

excellent profile so far.
got just a little problem. I hit honored today and did the quest to gather demons to portals. Nowi get the daily one (Banish more demons) but the bot still stops after doing the aether rays and bombing quests only.

excellent profile so far.
got just a little problem. I hit honored today and did the quest to gather demons to portals. Nowi get the daily one (Banish more demons) but the bot still stops after doing the aether rays and bombing quests only.
Hey, thanks for using the profile, could you post a log on what's happening? It should be detecting that you're honored to pick it up. Thanks!
Sorry for the long time :P Tried it eveyday and it never did the honored quest and i forgot to run the bot only for this profile so i couldn't have a decent log.

Here it is :)


Sorry for the long time :P Tried it eveyday and it never did the honored quest and i forgot to run the bot only for this profile so i couldn't have a decent log.

Here it is :)
I see, it looks like it wants to do something but can't get to it. Can you open up WoW on the character you're trying to use this profile with and copy and paste this into the chat window and let me know what the printout says?

/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(11119))


/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(11091))

That should check to see if these two quests are completed, if not you may have to do them manually for the bot to work.



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Thanks for you quick support!
I checked for these 2 quests and they've been completed alredy. Any other idea ?

Thanks for you quick support!
I checked for these 2 quests and they've been completed alredy. Any other idea ?
Hmm, and you're positive that you're honored with them right? Not really sure what it could be then. Could you try clearing your cache? I'm on a mobile right now but check the wiki for it.