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[Fly][N-QB]Cenarion Expedition Reputation[Maffyx]


Active Member
Feb 13, 2010

Hello Everyone,

I felt like making a quick profile for this faction, my goal is to make one for all the Neutral Burning Crusade factions.

Bot to Use: Questing
Location: Borean Tundra (Northrend) - Launch from anywhere and it will move to the proper location.
Rep gained: Cenarion Expedition
Repair: Yes
Mailbox: Yes
Quests: 1 Repeatable turn in Quest
AFK: 100% - Should be able to get exalted in a day or two.

Requirements: At least level 70 with cold weather flying, higher levels will make this profile go faster.

What this does: Gets exalted with the Cenarion Expedition for the mount.


  • Can be started anywhere
  • Grinds out rep via turn ins
  • Should get you to exalted in a day or two, I was getting about 300 ears an hour to turn in, which comes to about 20 turn ins at 150 rep each, which equals ~3k rep / hr. If starting at neutral this would take roughly 14 hours.


Although this is a Burning Crusade Reputation the duration of this profile will take place in Northrend. The DEHTA encampment in Borean Tundra is Cenarion Expedition based and will give rep for turning in Nesingwary Lackey Ears. This profile will farm ears and turn them in for rep.

The introductory quest for being able to turn this in is done if you used kicks to level through

Instructions: Load profile and hit start :)

Credits to:

EchoTiger/Ayzul for Navigation to Outland

And of course any comments or constructive feedback is appreciated! Thank you for using my profile!
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This profile works perfect. I got around 450 ears/hour so I can't complain.

The only thing I could suggest is that prehaps you could put the cap abit higher then just 150 ears befor it goes and hand in to up the speed on the whole process. But other then that it was great.
This profile works perfect. I got around 450 ears/hour so I can't complain.

The only thing I could suggest is that prehaps you could put the cap abit higher then just 150 ears befor it goes and hand in to up the speed on the whole process. But other then that it was great.
Thanks for using the profile! Glad it worked for you! I wanted to keep the quantity around there so it doesn't over farm. Meaning if you only need 1k of rep I wouldn't want it to farm for 5k of rep since that would just be wasting time. But that's my reasoning anyways.
I have practically no rep, so I edited to get 600 before turning in, and I changed "close wow" to false, since I tend to babysit whenever I'm using HB. Other than that, it looks great! Thanks