I hate fishing in WOW. Anyone know of a fishing bot or if HB/GB will be creating one in the future? IT would be nice.
if you have an Iphone download the fishing app.. it's pretty cool.. you flick your phone in a casting motion and everything..
Fisting = no fun
soon HB will have a fishing option
but atm MrFishit is the best fishbot out there
sorry no ETA atmTony do you have any clou when "soon" will be?
I ask because a friend would pay me a good price for levling up his fishingskills and I don't really want to use an other bot as HB^^
sorry no ETA atm
Nesox a dev. from GB+HB wich have created Mr.Fishit
prob. in future HB/GB will come with a fishing mod.
there are many fishbots out there but Mr Fishit is the bestpirox has a fishbot also