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fishing 1-525 dal faountain not working :(

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New Member
Feb 7, 2012
I am experiencing a very annoying issue on my druid with ProfessionBuddy. If I load the dalaran fountain 1-525 fishing profile and start the bot, it will start fishing properly but it fails to click the bobbler in the water to catch a fish. it was fine a while a go, i downloaded auto angler 2 for uldum and twilight fishing but the 1-525 dal fountain one just wont catch the fish or whatever is in the water, please help!!
OP: This profile doesn't use AutoAngler, it's got it's own fishing logic. I would suggest trying the profile from a "clean" hb folder, IE unzip it to a new folder and run it without installing cc's or plugins. If it works then you know it's conflicting with somethign in your install (possibly AA2), if it still doesn't work then please post a log of that session.

A mod cannot help you without a log, and it's actually against the Gatherbuddy-Honorbuddy Forum Rules & Guidelines
Do not post an issue without your log as attachment
such posts will be deleted and not answered.
Please, help them to help you.

daemon45, your log indicates you have a few issues, try a clean HB install in a new folder, and post a log of you attempting to fish instead of a gatherbuddy2 session.
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This profile doesn't use AutoAngler, it's got it's own fishing logic.

daemon45, your log indicates you have a few issues, try a clean HB install in a new folder, and post a log of you attempting to fish instead of a gatherbuddy2 session.

Sorry, should have clarified that the fishing attempts were at the end of the log. I'll try redownloading HB and see how I go... is there an optimal place to put the folder, or is my desktop fine?
Desktop is fine, the end of the log shows a lot of issues with interupter ultimate a a few other things, a clean install should help highlight the issue.
This one is over my head, I know the profile does some movement to determine that you are facing correctly, it may be part of that, or may not. Unfortunately I'm unable to help you, hopefully though a dev, or the author of the profile will be able to help.

[7:08:28 PM:421] Spell_C::CastSpell(7620, 0, 0x0, 0) [6]
[7:08:28 PM:503] Flushing timed movement. Direction: ForwardBackMovement
[7:08:29 PM:469] PB 1.397:Wait Until false Completed
No problem Atticus, thanks for trying anyway :) How do you suggest I get their attention? Or will they spot this thread on their own?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Hey again Tony. I had AA2 installed previously, but didn't put it back in with my fresh install because Atticus said it was unrelated to PB. Should I be using it as my secondary bot with the 1-525 Dala profile?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Copy and paste the AutoAngler2 folder into the Honorbuddy/Bots folder

abd then post back if you are ok or not
I did not know AA2 automatically trains fishing and has logic to use dalaran fountain coins and delete junk.
I've personally had the opposite experience, where I've had to delete my "\AppData\Local\Bossland GmbH\Honorbuddy\" folder, and run it with AA2 not installed. The following snippet is copy-pasta from Fishing1-525(dalaran).xml that ships with HB.

<CustomAction Code="var1 = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType&lt;WoWGameObject&gt;().FirstOrDefault(u =&gt; u.SubType == WoWGameObjectType.FishingBobber &amp;&amp; u.CreatedByGuid == Me.Guid);" />
    <If Condition="var1 != null &amp;&amp; ((WoWGameObject)var1).IsValid &amp;&amp; ((WoWFishingBobber)((WoWGameObject)var1).SubObj).IsBobbing" IgnoreCanRun="True">
      <CustomAction Code="((WoWGameObject)var1).Interact();" />
    <If Condition="var1 == null &amp;&amp; !Me.IsCasting" IgnoreCanRun="True">
      <CustomAction Code="SpellManager.Cast(&quot;Fishing&quot;);" />
      <WaitAction Condition="false" Timeout="1000" />
That was a fresh installation! How much "fresher" can I get? I haven't touched it since last night, the only thing I've done is install AA like you said to.
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