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Finally banned after years of botting. (no prior warnings to instant perma banned)


New Member
Nov 18, 2012
I use to bot with other bots (mainly pirox) for many years esp in TBC/WOTLK. I switched to HB in Cata then used it through all of cata and for most of MOP so far.

But during some RBGs I got kicked off my account, acc was banned. Received an email saying account is permanent closed due to hacks / 3rd party programs.

>botted for years without a single warning/suspension on my account
>never botted for longer than 2-3 hours at a time
>never left the bot running on its own

I guess I just finally got what was coming to me lol. Anyway, I noticed my other 2 accounts on my battle net were still operational and not banned. But I decided to abandon the account for good and start over on a fresh battlenet without ever using any bots.

Just a few questions.

If I buy WoW + SC2 + D3 on a new battle net using the same full name and same payment details will the account be safe? Basically do blizzard only ban the account you botted on or do they all go out and ban everything under your name/payments? (im assuming its safe considering the other accounts on my bnet that has the banned botted account are still all available for playing)

Thanks and good luck!
They only ban the account that was botting, I had 3 accounts under the same battle.net all 3 botting and only 1 got a ban,
can you at least tell us what you were botting? did you use gatherbuddy at all or just bgbuddy, questbot etc
All wow accounts will be banned , but your sc2 and d3 accounts will be left alone unless your using demon buddy and get busted there too, this is a great way to keep in contact with your buyers list on Realid but be carefull about what you say as clearly they can track PM's ... but you can let them know your new account ;-)
hblover31, I have no idea where you get your info, but I have been botting for years at this point, when blizzard bans a account they only ban the wow# account that did something wrong not all of the wow licenses.
hblover31, I have no idea where you get your info, but I have been botting for years at this point, when blizzard bans a account they only ban the wow# account that did something wrong not all of the wow licenses.

Experence and my friends?

I just had all my wow accounts locked down. They had diferent emails and creditentials, even the non botted accounts are locked down. If i logged into it from my ip... it's locked down.

this is for perma bans.... no one cares about 72h's
hblover31, I have no idea where you get your info, but I have been botting for years at this point, when blizzard bans a account they only ban the wow# account that did something wrong not all of the wow licenses.

Were you mailing stuff to and from the accounts that was botted gold/items?
I also just got straight perma ban no warnings on my 200kg+ acc and maxed warrior.. Done with that game now..