A few things that doens't make sense in my world and i wish to be implemented asap.
Hope staff get the time to review these things, and hopefully implement the catching thing, as that... Got me a bit worried...
A few things that doens't make sense in my world and i wish to be implemented asap.
- The missing option to set the pause timer to how long you wish to wait at a pokestop, and how often.
Each time i make a random pause at a pokestop, it takes 15 mins before it starts up again, only to relog, find a new pokestop before the next random timer is startet....
Typically the timers are 30 mins and 45 mins or something, for the first 2 random pokestop pauses...
Either let us modify the timers and frequency of the pausing in a file, or add the ability to modify that in the bot, rather than just make it on / off.
- Catching with the bot, is an improved catching method, meaning you will always get 210 exp with a throw and successful catch. It needs to be random from regular catching to exceptional catching. Catching pokemons as we are now, makes us easy detectable targets... Who would in their rightfull mind catch 50 pokemons`, with insane throwing abilities, giving them 210 exp per pokemon in a row? No one... You have a higher chance of winning the lottery! Should be random or the ability to determine how often we want to make the different throws... Like, do we really want to catch them with regular throws to get 100 exp per throw, or should the lowest catch be 110 for a fine throw? The more humanlike way would be randomly throwing with given attributes on a slider for instance...
That's something which needs to be implemented FAST!
Hope staff get the time to review these things, and hopefully implement the catching thing, as that... Got me a bit worried...
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