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Few questions regarding develpoement status.


New Member
Sep 14, 2010
Few questions regarding development status.

1.Instancebuddy will there be an update within a month?
2. Has Apoc released a date that BGbot2 will be available for us?
3. I really want/need a fully afk botting option when i bought this program i thought i was getting such. What time frame can we expect a 1-85 questing profile thats built into HB and does not need human intervention?
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1) It's in testing mode, so most likely.
2) No. He will be working on one BG each week so he can get the most testing out of it (he is doing that upcoming weekends CalltoArms)
3) Never. Use Kickazz's. No other bot has anywhere near the Questing abilities that HB has. Kick has dumped countless hours into his profiles, and they are 99% afk-able.
Ok ty No1 ive been silent a logn time but I really needed some hope things were moving forward on these projects. I use Kick's profiles but I swear even with all the plugins (azenius etc) I cant get it to quest longer than 2 hours with getting stuck or looping on merchants/quests givers.
Ok ty No1 ive been silent a logn time but I really needed some hope things were moving forward on these projects. I use Kick's profiles but I swear even with all the plugins (azenius etc) I cant get it to quest longer than 2 hours with getting stuck or looping on merchants/quests givers.
Stucks have to do with HB's navigation not taking into account character Hit-Box size.

Looping on merchants/quest givers is 99.999999999999% Honorbuddy's fault.
Sometimes it gets confused with what quests are done/not done.
Ok well that clears up that gripe as well, Thank you for your clarifications! +rep
With the new prices bliz put out for the holidays, I just got another RAF account and have botting 3 toons to 85 completely AFKed in the bast 2 weeks. Right now my DK is at 77 in Northrend and going strong.

If your getting constantly suck, no idea what to tell you, but I have have nearly 0 problems at all using kicks profiles.
I'm running a beast computer that gets 60fps on ultra settings i have zero lag so i can't blame the pc, i did notice though using certain races is worse..my tauren gets stuck alot by not fitting in certain areas.
After many test's :) I found that a small class works best with Kick's profiles.
I can go all night afk without problems
That may be my problem..i just hate having to be pigeonholed into small characters lol.
Currently leveling Tauren Pally, gets stuck on the dumbest stuff ever.

Get the tiny toons!
or you can run Archelogy buddy, and just blacklist sites that you have problems with and thats basicly 100% afk-able, you shouldnt have any issues.
1.Instancebuddy will there be an update within a month?
2. Has Apoc released a date that BGbot2 will be available for us?
3. I really want/need a fully afk botting option when i bought this program i thought i was getting such. What time frame can we expect a 1-85 questing profile thats built into HB and does not need human intervention?

1)No ETA
2)No ETA
3)Nope,Hb wont have a built in profile
Thanks Tony, although it doesn't make me as a consumer very thrilled but the truth can hurt sometimes.
1) Dungeonbuddy is being worked on
2) BGBot is being worked on
3) mesh issues usually... but i just re-ran all of my questing profiles (5-85) and made a horde TH, and A and H Vashj'ir mount profiles

it all works pretty good
thx Kick your work really is appreciated, I did d/l the newest through svn seemed a bit better but tauren seem to get stuck especially in the starting zone in northrend that castle is rough just returning for quest completion/drop off.
1) Dungeonbuddy is being worked on
2) BGBot is being worked on
3) mesh issues usually... but i just re-ran all of my questing profiles (5-85) and made a horde TH, and A and H Vashj'ir mount profiles

it all works pretty good

is the HB team going to work on fixing the mesh issues by any chance?
1) Dungeonbuddy is being worked on
2) BGBot is being worked on
3) mesh issues usually... but i just re-ran all of my questing profiles (5-85) and made a horde TH, and A and H Vashj'ir mount profiles

it all works pretty good

1) Official new name for IB?
2) Apoc is da shiz.
3) I love you.
3b) Sex?
I just realized a possible huge mistake i have made with kick's profiles.../slap self....I never copied over the quest behaviors and other stuff fromt he SVN to HB folder...maybe this was my issue the whole time?
Thanks Tony, although it doesn't make me as a consumer very thrilled but the truth can hurt sometimes.

telling lies is not our way

we are working on these projects but there is no ETA atm :)

I just realized a possible huge mistake i have made with kick's profiles.../slap self....I never copied over the quest behaviors and other stuff fromt he SVN to HB folder...maybe this was my issue the whole time?

yup.you must use QB and plugins provided by Kick else it wont work