So i was using my bot just doing my thing, when i notice a mage in front of me, flying the exact same pattern. kk Hes using the same profile as i do, w/e.
Few minutes later this *Not so smart person* Whispers me: *Hah reported for boting*.
Me telling him, wtf dude ur doing it urself, i see your flight pattern, so wtf are you on about?
He telling me he's not botting bla bla, and hes reporting me...
I just couldnt belive what i was hearing, a botter assaulting a botter... realy, what's the community going to?
Few minutes later this *Not so smart person* Whispers me: *Hah reported for boting*.
Me telling him, wtf dude ur doing it urself, i see your flight pattern, so wtf are you on about?
He telling me he's not botting bla bla, and hes reporting me...
I just couldnt belive what i was hearing, a botter assaulting a botter... realy, what's the community going to?