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Feb. 1, 2014 Perm Ban - US


Oct 13, 2012
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Both

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: Release

3)If so, when was the last time?: Yesterday

4)What profile were you using?: Mostly randombuddy for GB/Gathering, some misc profiles for farming mounts and dailies

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Portal Premium for Mage

6)What plugins are you using?: Random Buddy, Brodie's Dailies

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 4-5

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 100%, watched remotely from work

9)How many auctions per day did you have?: ~10, mill/transmute everything down to the lowest possible item to avoid spamming AH

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No

11)Was your account involved in gold selling? No

12)EU or US realm? US

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid, Main account of 8-9 years

Perma ban specifically for third party software/botting. I am attributing this on GB, but we will never know. I knew it was a matter of time, but I was getting away with using GB on my main account for a year, if not longer. I did about 4-5 hours of gathering, and then maybe a few daily profiles while I would supervise at work.

Already filed an appeal since this is my first ban, try to get it down to a 72h. If not, and I add another WoW license to the same battle.net account, do all my achieves and mounts come over to new WoW license?

If I try using GB again, I might setup a profile to circle every panda zone on the continent so I don't hit same hotspots. I was strictly farming in Jade Forest, but even with Randombuddy, I am sure I was hitting same spots over time. Maybe widening that out will help, even if I take a big NPH loss.
Also forgot to mention I did recently use Kick's profiles to level an old level 80 rogue to level 90, but that was probably about 3 weeks ago and only took about 4-5 days of light botting to do get the 10 levels. Maybe that character being in fresh quest greens still while gathering was a give away? Who knows.
Not very bright idea to use 1 zone farming only, especially on non-full server. I have seen enough people, who report gather bots on daily basis on my servers.

They simply target a zone, type /who 90 and spam armory them or just use appropriate armory addon, im not sure, but they definitely do either, because they start whispering the gather bots and try to engage them in conversation.

One of my bots got a whisper soon after hitting 90, but the other received it few weeks later. No need to mention, that emos was whispering me every time I log "Reported for botting" kind of garbage!
Yeah, I thought it was probably from reporting, but I thought reporting usually gets you a susp and not a perma ban. Makes sense though.

Also, I never got any whispers while doing, but I'm sure it didn't help that my gathering toon was a recent 90 ding and had nothing but quest greens on still.
I got a reply back from the appeal, and they are going to lower it to 72 hours susp. Here was their response:


Thank you for your follow-up contact regarding the license ------. This license was closed after one or more characters on the license were found to be using an unauthorized cheat program. These programs provide character benefits that are not achievable in the World of Warcraft through normal means. Such benefits include character automation (also known as "botting"), increased speed, teleportation, or running through walls or boundaries. These types of programs offer an unfair advantage over other players and supersede the intended limits of the game.

The actions detailed above have been deemed inappropriate for World of Warcraft. Due to the above infraction, this World of Warcraft license has been reviewed for closure. After further review, we have determined that the World of Warcraft license will not be closed. However, a 72-hour license suspension has been applied.

After the conclusion of the current suspension, any further infractions of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use may result in permanent termination of game license access. During the remainder of the suspension, please review the World of Warcraft Policy section at https://battle.net/support/article/100644.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us: http://www.battle.net/support/ticket/submit

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.

Is that a standard copy/paste response from them, or does that kinda reveal what they got me for?
Yea, its 100% common template answer. Actually, when they do "custom" answer, usually they manual ban you for life :P

On the question - noone for sure can confirm how they flag and ban us, but from the past reports here we could conclude, they can either auto-ban or auto-suspend you for roughly the same actions on different accounts.

For example a guy gathered MoP Herbs and Ores 6 hours daily for a whole week by hand, for the sole purpose to earn enough gold, sell it and obtain Honorbuddy license, but he was hit just before buying the bot :/

The GM answer was custom, explaining him, that he was false-positive auto-banned by the server, and he strongly reccomend him to reduse his online time spent in gathering mats, to avoid trigger it again, lol!

Usually when you appeal autoban on gather bot, it could be lifted once per several months or you can get more than once 72h suspension, but only if they are not too close in the timeframe - someone proposed its 6 months or so.

I had few gather bots, one of whish was SoR :D, which had 2x or 3x 72h suspensions in a row, but they happend in 7-8 months timeframe. Now all of them are closed for good, after received perma just 2 months after the last 72h :D
I think I might of had a 72hr susp a long time ago in wrath, but when I was using Pirox back then. 2+ years ago maybe?

I will just back off from GB until WoD expansion probably, I have enough gold to keep me going until then.
Nice one with the overturn.

To answer your battlenet related question. If you were to start a new account on the same battlenet, you would indeed share all the mounts, achievements, pets etc.
same issue here .. i am wonderin how they catched me .. got about 5 acc on 1 battlenet. 4 of them banned. 1 not. just gathered all days for about 6 hours with breaks. made a lot of dungeons. equiped them well etc etc
100% monitoring .. used own profiles .. stoped the bot as i saw someone looked to me (plugin report players)

what was the reason ? why one acc not ?
i dont like it if i dont know why.

only thing i think, this was an automatic bann made by server. just because gathered to mutch ores.
but this one which was not banned, he gathered most of all. so ... strange

.. still looking for other reasons .. whats about addons like silverdragon, tradeskillmaster ? just because i think they all read memories as well. but i am not a programmer ^^ :)