Hi I was running quest in Val'Sharah and got following fatal error.
[Profile Message]: Moving To Thas'talah
Latency to Buddy service: 606 ms
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #1
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #2
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #3
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #4
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #5
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #6
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #7
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #8
Latency to Buddy service: 6 ms
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #9
Path distances request failed on map: Troll Raid, Location: <2663.732, 6925.902, 142.5111>
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #10
[MyCTM-MyCTM.(debug)] Stuck. Trying to jump
[MyCTM-MyCTM.(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeRight
[MyCTM-MyCTM.(debug)] Stuck. Trying to jump
[MyCTM-MyCTM.(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeLeft
[MyCTM-MyCTM.(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeLeft, JumpAscend
[MyCTM-MyCTM.(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <2554.504, 6971.808, 151.2544> from <2548.181, 6950.457, 146.3318>
Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile.
Here is log file.
[Profile Message]: Moving To Thas'talah
Latency to Buddy service: 606 ms
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #1
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #2
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #3
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #4
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #5
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #6
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #7
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #8
Latency to Buddy service: 6 ms
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #9
Path distances request failed on map: Troll Raid, Location: <2663.732, 6925.902, 142.5111>
[Profile Message]: Heading to Location #10
[MyCTM-MyCTM.(debug)] Stuck. Trying to jump
[MyCTM-MyCTM.(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeRight
[MyCTM-MyCTM.(debug)] Stuck. Trying to jump
[MyCTM-MyCTM.(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeLeft
[MyCTM-MyCTM.(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeLeft, JumpAscend
[MyCTM-MyCTM.(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <2554.504, 6971.808, 151.2544> from <2548.181, 6950.457, 146.3318>
Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile.
Here is log file.