I used arch last night.
Was 82 (almost 83) and I am now 84 and a half in 8 hours. If you use arch make sure you have the epic flying mount. The faster you move = the more xp you get.
Arch might be a little bit slower but is 99% afkable,yeah
When u hit lets say 82 start farming IMO. Make some good gold while levelingPvP or arch..
and I just hit 70 on my hunter should i start arch/quest.. or stick to pvp.
PvP is like my main use btw on call to arms i get massive amount of xp
Thanks everyone for your comment.
I went with Arch bot for a while and seems to work fine. 500k XP per hour is alright and it used it while I was AFK.
Thanks again.
800k XP per hour
Im only getting 280-300k xp per hour is it because I dont have the epic flying? Im trying to save on gold but if its really a big help I guess I could buy it.. hmm