- Joined
- Mar 30, 2015
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- 68
I decide to write my own profile today... but I can't get it to work at all! It is in the <While>. If I take the while out it will switch job or complain if I don't have Goblin Jig or inventory place like usual. The profile will act like it works, but do nothing. When you go to stop the bot, it will hang up a little bit, then throw error. When error hapens i have to log out ffxiv and try again because it looses connection with RB:
Here's the code for the profile (i will release it to help others when it works):
[22:00:55.101 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Pushed the stop button.
[22:01:00.109 D] Clean shutdown was not possible for some unknown reason. Forcing shutdown of main bot thread.
[22:01:00.109 D] Exception generated from line 32
[22:01:00.110 D] Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 4, in Execute
SystemError: Thread was being aborted.
[22:01:00.110 D] Cannot stop a bot when it is not running.
[22:01:00.110 D] Bot Thread Aborted Thread was being aborted.
Here's the code for the profile (i will release it to help others when it works):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Profile [
<!-- Where do you want to stand while waiting for PiraPira weather -->
<!ENTITY Waiting_AetheryteId "8">
<Name>Fishing: PipiraPira v.1.0</Name>
<CodeChunk Name="Fisher">
<![CDATA[ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("/gs change 16");]]>
<ExEnablePlugins Names="Skywatcher,EnableFlight"/>
<!-- if you dont have inventory space, go to teleport and stop -->
<If Condition="FreeItemSlots() < 1">
<ExLog Color="#00e4ff" Name="PipiraPira v.1.0" Message="No inventory spots!"/>
<!-- if you dont have required bait, go to teleport and stop -->
<If Condition="not HasAtLeast(12706,1)">
<ExLog Color="#00e4ff" Name="PipiraPira v.1.0" Message="Bait Goblin Jig is missing!"/>
<!-- make sure we're actually on fisher so we dont try to fish otherwise -->
<If Condition="Core.Me.CurrentJob != ClassJobType.Fisher">
<ExLog Color="#00e4ff" Name="PipiraPira" Message="Not on fisher, so going to change to fisher now."/>
<WaitTimer waitTime="3"/>
<RunCode Name="Fisher"/>
<WaitTimer waitTime="3"/>
<!-- while i'm on fisher, and have inventory space, and i have a Goblin Jig.. continue the profile. -->
<While Condition="Core.Me.CurrentJob == ClassJobType.Fisher and HasAtLeast(12706,1) and FreeItemSlots() > 1">
<!-- good weather for Pipira Pira wait -->
<If Condition="SkywatcherPlugin.IsWeatherInZone(398, 3, 4, 11)1">
<ExLog Color="#00e4ff" Name="PipiraPira" Message="Weather is perfect, teleporting to Pipira Pira location!"/>
<TeleportTo Force="True" Name="Tailfeather" AetheryteId="76"/>
<ExFish Condition="SkywatcherPlugin.IsWeatherInZone(398, 3, 4, 11) and HasAtLeast(12706,1) and FreeItemSlots() > 1" MinFish="21" MaxFish="42" ShuffleFishSpots="True" sitRate=".69" Bait="Goblin Jig">
<Keeper name="Pipira pira"/>
<FishSpot XYZ="397.8219, -26.5559, -510.3493" Heading="2.68"/>
<FishSpot XYZ="385.3249, -26.25389, -546.3416" Heading="1.25"/>
<FishSpot XYZ="427.1414, -24.97816, -591.9777" Heading="0.92"/>
<FishSpot XYZ="497.8525, -26.25389, -586.8606" Heading="5.67"/>