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- Feb 17, 2010
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With this I'll try to help members with little questions and things they are wondering about.
In here, I will give you the answers you might be looking for so you can save time instead of making a new thread.
I'm trying to keep this F.A.Q. up to date and if you have some suggestions to write in or change, let me know.
Note that I copied some stuff from the official F.A.Q. to make it a bit easier.
Special thanks to ski for fixing some grammar, adding some info, removing some info that he didn't thought was accurate.
Q: What's the difference between Honorbuddy and Gatherbuddy and what are they?
A: What is Gatherbuddy?
It's a nice tool, which helps you to earn some Gold in World of Warcraft.
-What does it do?
Farms Ore, Herbs, Gas Clouds and Leather
Works with any skill level, from 1-450
Supports any Flying Mount
Mining, Herbalism and Engineering Professions
Customizable Combat Sequence
Works for EVERY Class
Includes 3 Farming Profiles
Downloads Profiles from the Forums
Full Background mode
Hearths and logs out on full Inventory or on Empty Bags Option
Uses Guild Banks to unload and flys back
Uses Mailboxes to send items to an alt
Auto-repair under 50 % in each WoTLK Zone
-What is Honorbuddy?
Honorbuddy is actually more than just an Leveling Bot.
It is created similar to a ; swiss blade, a tool that can make everything possible.
The official webpage for Honorbuddy tells you more about it.
However, it takes 5 Minutes to setup and you actually need only 3 Profiles from 1 to Level 80.
Furthermore, the wayfinding logic is awesome, just like the concept to work like an GPS,
you have the map and you have all the locations on it where you can go to.
Another aspect is the Honorbuddy Mixed Mode, here you grind / level unless a Battleground pops-up and you simply join it,
own all the players in it, and when is?s over, you are again on your grinding position and collect some experience.
Honorbuddy - The WOW Bot
Where can I buy it ?
To keep it short, Buddytools are very nice programs to bot in World of Warcraft.
Q: What?s the difference between those Honorbuddy (1 session, 5 sessions/RAF) and Gatherbuddy (monthly/lifetime) versions?
A: At first, I'll tell you what a session is.
You need one session to run one bot.
It's not bound on any WoW account, so you can bot your own account or your sister?s one.
But you can only run one account a time.
If you want to run 2 or more accounts at the same time, you have to buy more sessions.
Note: RAF means Recruit-A-Friend. It's service by World of Worcraft, for more information please visit http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/faq/recruitafriend.html
If you order a RAF version of Honorbuddy you'll get 5 sessions, so you can run 5 accounts at the same time with Honorbuddy. Remind that these 5 accounts don't have to be on the same server.
You have to pay for one session per month for Gatherbuddy (not Honorbuddy), to keep it simple.
The Queen above all of this is the lifetime account. It provides you 3 sessions of Honorbuddy or Gatherbuddy - for the lifetime of the products.
It looks like this: You can run 1 Honorbuddy and 2 Gatherbuddy, or 2 Honorbuddy and 1 Gatherbuddy, or 3 Honorbuddy and 0 Gatherbuddy, or 0 Honorbuddy and 3 Gatherbuddy and so on...
You'll get all those upcoming pay-plugins like fishing and auctioneering for FREE!
Q: Can I try it out for free?
A: Yes, indeed! Just type into the login window as username test and for password t3st.
Now you can level your toon from 1-20. Absolutely free!
Q: How can I upgrade to Lifetime?
A: Please write a nice PM in the buddyforums to Bossland. He's the man who manages anything related to Billing or Accounts.
Q: Got a Warden Check in Progress issue, help!
A: >Currently< (April 6th 2010) there are some false positives, please wait 15 minutes and try it again.
Normally, this alerts you if Blizzard is going to detect the Buddytools, if you are not sure whats going on, please visit http://www.buddyforum.de/forumdisplay.php?27-Announcements
Q: I got an authentication problem on login, what could this be?
A: Sure that you've typing in the correct username and passwort?
Maybe check out http://www.buddyforum.de/forumdisplay.php?27-Announcements to see if something is going on there.
Q: Is it able to do quests?
A: As Hawker said, on Monday May 10th 2010 - questing. The current design is that if you enable questing, the bot will automatically pick up quests and go do them. Profiles will need to be adapted to list quests you do NOT want it to take.
Q: Is it possible to fish with Honorbuddy/Gatherbuddy?
A: On Monday May 31 - paid plugins will be released (thats the plan) and I guess that days fishing will come out too,
Q: I heared about Honorbuddy version 2.0, when will it come out?
A: Monday April 26th - full release of navigation. I guess with this release HB2.0 is comming out.
Q: My Mesh or Profile doesn't want to work, what am I doing wrong?
A: At first, please check out this awesome guide made by ZoOoOoM http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?1507-Creating-A-Mesh-amp-Profile-Guide-v2.0
Note that some people currently have an issue with this feature. But it will be fixed in a upcoming version.
Q: I've got an error, could you please help me ?
A: Yes we can. But please give us an error-log, without it we can't figure out what's wrong. Logs are located in the \logs\ folder for HB, and the root folder for GB.
Q: Gatherbuddy says: Not Paid. What does this mean?
A: Your monthly Gatherbuddy-payment was running out. Please visit the shop to get a new month.
Q: Gatherbuddy doesn?t gather all nodes, why?
A: Gatherbuddy avoids (just for your own protection) nodes that are under water or near locations where you might get stuck.
Q: I got problems with my ground mount, whats wrong?
A: Try inputting the ID of the mount in place of the name. You can look up the ID of the mount on wowhead.com
In here, I will give you the answers you might be looking for so you can save time instead of making a new thread.
I'm trying to keep this F.A.Q. up to date and if you have some suggestions to write in or change, let me know.
Note that I copied some stuff from the official F.A.Q. to make it a bit easier.
Special thanks to ski for fixing some grammar, adding some info, removing some info that he didn't thought was accurate.
Q: What's the difference between Honorbuddy and Gatherbuddy and what are they?
A: What is Gatherbuddy?
It's a nice tool, which helps you to earn some Gold in World of Warcraft.
-What does it do?
Farms Ore, Herbs, Gas Clouds and Leather
Works with any skill level, from 1-450
Supports any Flying Mount
Mining, Herbalism and Engineering Professions
Customizable Combat Sequence
Works for EVERY Class
Includes 3 Farming Profiles
Downloads Profiles from the Forums
Full Background mode
Hearths and logs out on full Inventory or on Empty Bags Option
Uses Guild Banks to unload and flys back
Uses Mailboxes to send items to an alt
Auto-repair under 50 % in each WoTLK Zone
-What is Honorbuddy?
Honorbuddy is actually more than just an Leveling Bot.
It is created similar to a ; swiss blade, a tool that can make everything possible.
The official webpage for Honorbuddy tells you more about it.
However, it takes 5 Minutes to setup and you actually need only 3 Profiles from 1 to Level 80.
Furthermore, the wayfinding logic is awesome, just like the concept to work like an GPS,
you have the map and you have all the locations on it where you can go to.
Another aspect is the Honorbuddy Mixed Mode, here you grind / level unless a Battleground pops-up and you simply join it,
own all the players in it, and when is?s over, you are again on your grinding position and collect some experience.
Honorbuddy - The WOW Bot
Where can I buy it ?
To keep it short, Buddytools are very nice programs to bot in World of Warcraft.
Q: What?s the difference between those Honorbuddy (1 session, 5 sessions/RAF) and Gatherbuddy (monthly/lifetime) versions?
A: At first, I'll tell you what a session is.
You need one session to run one bot.
It's not bound on any WoW account, so you can bot your own account or your sister?s one.
But you can only run one account a time.
If you want to run 2 or more accounts at the same time, you have to buy more sessions.
Note: RAF means Recruit-A-Friend. It's service by World of Worcraft, for more information please visit http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/faq/recruitafriend.html
If you order a RAF version of Honorbuddy you'll get 5 sessions, so you can run 5 accounts at the same time with Honorbuddy. Remind that these 5 accounts don't have to be on the same server.
You have to pay for one session per month for Gatherbuddy (not Honorbuddy), to keep it simple.
The Queen above all of this is the lifetime account. It provides you 3 sessions of Honorbuddy or Gatherbuddy - for the lifetime of the products.
It looks like this: You can run 1 Honorbuddy and 2 Gatherbuddy, or 2 Honorbuddy and 1 Gatherbuddy, or 3 Honorbuddy and 0 Gatherbuddy, or 0 Honorbuddy and 3 Gatherbuddy and so on...
You'll get all those upcoming pay-plugins like fishing and auctioneering for FREE!
Q: Can I try it out for free?
A: Yes, indeed! Just type into the login window as username test and for password t3st.
Now you can level your toon from 1-20. Absolutely free!
Q: How can I upgrade to Lifetime?
A: Please write a nice PM in the buddyforums to Bossland. He's the man who manages anything related to Billing or Accounts.
Q: Got a Warden Check in Progress issue, help!
A: >Currently< (April 6th 2010) there are some false positives, please wait 15 minutes and try it again.
Normally, this alerts you if Blizzard is going to detect the Buddytools, if you are not sure whats going on, please visit http://www.buddyforum.de/forumdisplay.php?27-Announcements
Q: I got an authentication problem on login, what could this be?
A: Sure that you've typing in the correct username and passwort?
Maybe check out http://www.buddyforum.de/forumdisplay.php?27-Announcements to see if something is going on there.
Q: Is it able to do quests?
A: As Hawker said, on Monday May 10th 2010 - questing. The current design is that if you enable questing, the bot will automatically pick up quests and go do them. Profiles will need to be adapted to list quests you do NOT want it to take.
Q: Is it possible to fish with Honorbuddy/Gatherbuddy?
A: On Monday May 31 - paid plugins will be released (thats the plan) and I guess that days fishing will come out too,
Q: I heared about Honorbuddy version 2.0, when will it come out?
A: Monday April 26th - full release of navigation. I guess with this release HB2.0 is comming out.
Q: My Mesh or Profile doesn't want to work, what am I doing wrong?
A: At first, please check out this awesome guide made by ZoOoOoM http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?1507-Creating-A-Mesh-amp-Profile-Guide-v2.0
Note that some people currently have an issue with this feature. But it will be fixed in a upcoming version.
Q: I've got an error, could you please help me ?
A: Yes we can. But please give us an error-log, without it we can't figure out what's wrong. Logs are located in the \logs\ folder for HB, and the root folder for GB.
Q: Gatherbuddy says: Not Paid. What does this mean?
A: Your monthly Gatherbuddy-payment was running out. Please visit the shop to get a new month.
Q: Gatherbuddy doesn?t gather all nodes, why?
A: Gatherbuddy avoids (just for your own protection) nodes that are under water or near locations where you might get stuck.
Q: I got problems with my ground mount, whats wrong?
A: Try inputting the ID of the mount in place of the name. You can look up the ID of the mount on wowhead.com
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