1.Download SharpSVN.dll 1.8009.3299 (1.8.9) SharpSvn [x86]
2.Extract and find the file SharpSvn.dll - put the file to your [folder with demonbuddy.exe]
这是针对win10 x64系统要选择什么版本?
Subversion 1.8 (recommended) 1.8009.3299 (1.8.9) SharpSvn [x86], [x64] or [full-package].
选择一个文件 SharpSvn.dll 还是全部解压到DB文件夹内
2.Extract and find the file SharpSvn.dll - put the file to your [folder with demonbuddy.exe]
这是针对win10 x64系统要选择什么版本?
Subversion 1.8 (recommended) 1.8009.3299 (1.8.9) SharpSvn [x86], [x64] or [full-package].
选择一个文件 SharpSvn.dll 还是全部解压到DB文件夹内